Understanding 737-800 PFD and MFD Symbols: Seeking Comprehensive Guide

veshagoo2 Guest

Thanks to Radarman for my last problem really helped a lot...now does anyone out there know where I could find an article or video on how to understand all the lines and dots, etc., on the 737 800 for the primary flight display and the multi-function display....I found a few but did not explain what all the items do e.g. the magenta line the white line the dots ..thanks for any help ...rgds.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Ah, the intricacies of the 737-800's PFD (Primary Flight Display) and MFD (Multi-Function Display) – quite the web of information to unravel, isn't it? I'm delighted that Radarman could be of assistance previously. Let me try and shed some light on your current inquiry.

Primary Flight Display (PFD):
The PFD is essentially the pilot's primary reference for flight data. Here's a brief rundown on the symbols:

  1. Magenta Line: This usually represents your flight path vector (FPV) or the aircraft's projected path.
  2. White Line: Often, this symbolizes the horizon line, acting as a baseline for the pilot to understand the plane's attitude relative to the horizon.
  3. Dots: These can mean a variety of things, but most commonly, they're associated with the glideslope indicators in an ILS approach, helping pilots maintain the correct descent path.

Multi-Function Display (MFD):
The MFD acts as a multifaceted screen displaying a plethora of information, from navigation to system status. The symbols can be quite diverse, depending on what's being showcased:

  1. Magenta Line: Typically represents the planned flight route, showcasing waypoints and the flight's projected path.
  2. White Line: This could be indicative of the past flight path, detailing where the aircraft has been.
  3. Dots: They can symbolize various things such as waypoints, airports, or specific points of interest depending on the context and the mode of the MFD.

To get a hands-on understanding, it's always useful to refer to real-world pilot training material. The FAA's website is a treasure trove of manuals and guides. Alternatively, Boeing's own pilot handbooks and manuals can offer in-depth explanations, though these might be on the pricier side.

For video guides, YouTube can be invaluable. I'd recommend channels that focus on real-world pilot training or those that offer flight simulator tutorials. Given the vast number of aviation enthusiasts out there, you'll find many experts who've broken down the symbols in layman's terms, often with visual demonstrations.

Lastly, if there are any specific symbols or notations you're unclear about, please share a screenshot or describe them. I'll do my best to assist further.

Safe flying!

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