what is the main difference between the 757-200 and 767?
What is a NAT?
What location does the FMC point 5140N refer to?
and finally, What is the minimum safe altitude approach into McCarran International Airport (KLAS) from the east? Or where would you find it?
These are the questions i got wrong on my 757-200 Captain's exam, and I want to study and re-take the exam, does anyone know the answers to these questions?
Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:
What is a NAT?
Network Address Translation - routing private IP's over public IP's. Are you sure you mean NAT? It does not really have anything to do with Flight Sim...
As far as I know, NAT means North Atlantic. That has to do with Flight Sim.
HAHA, flyaway, that was classic, nice answer though! Whatever happened to the Rammstein picture? And for that matter, how was the concert? or did you not go yet?
Hey, that was a honest answer - just found it slightly off topic. I could say the same about you FEM... I decided it was time for a change, I'm sure I'll change it back to a Rammstein one soon 🙂 The concert is on the 18th Dec, I'll let you know how it goes...
Oh, i thought it was like the 12th of november. Did you get a front row seat? You're so lucky!
Main difference in my opinion is that 757 is narrow and 767 is wide body??
NAT amongst other things North Atlantic Tracks (the routes for crossing "the pond") There are no real waypoints so crossings are by map coordinates.
5140N tough one without longitude reference as well but 5140 takes you on a line of latitude that takes you through southern UK, several european countries, Asia and round to Canada etc.
Approaching from the east ie heading is between 210* and 300* then MSA is 6700ft within 25 miles
That link should take you to KLAS approach plate. Top right is a circle that breaks the surrounding area into headings for up to 25miles. You will see that between 210* and 300* heading that the figure given is 6700. I have not had chance to read the whole chart but is worth taking a look in case there are any "gotcha's"! This should not be the case as MSA is MSA simple as that.
It is a shame they do not simply judge you on knowledge of aircraft and flying ability! I am sure you will be fine....they do not know about that landing made the other day do they!
rammstein kick ass
In your files it said you work at McDonalds! Whats the deal?
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