Radeon 5870 or a new Geforce 580

Pro Member Trainee
Andrew Graver (barkoman) Trainee

Perhaps Radarman or someone else with intelligence can offer an opinion (abundance of dumb asses out there - ill advised) can answer this but I am wanting to buy a new GPU for FSX. I have been watching the prices of the Radeon 5870 and they are falling, having said that, the new GeForce 580 cards are just a C-hair more expensive. I know that FSX is CPU dependant, however, what GPU would you recommend. I am running an 8800 GTX and want a little more FPS improvement before tearing down my whole system. Unless I am wrong, some of the older cards work better with FSX because it doesn't support the new tech like Direct X 11, etc.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

I would recommend the GTX 580 series in my opinion, but what I personally would do is buy a GTX 460/480 series or equivalent, which can be picked up for $220-250CAD which isnt too shabby, then get a top of the line processor, like the i7 980 and overclock to 4GHz and something like 8GB RAM. That would give you a SWEET system, but if you can afford it go the full mile and get the GTX 580 in my opinion 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
Andrew Graver (barkoman) Trainee

Perfect - thanks. Everybody keeps posting their positive results with respect to the i7 980. I'll probably swap the CPU out next.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

No problem, sounds like your going to have a killer system. 😉

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