Help with NZ Scenery Please

Pro Member Trainee
trihelm Trainee

Hi, 1 am am Expat Kiwi lving in the UK. The only detail scenery I have in my flightsim is of NZ, mainly the Real New Zealand Payware inc the 20m Mesh and some NZ freeware, as well as some appropriate payware Aircraft.
After putting this all together I find that at some Airports the aircraft starts sunken into the ground and that the airport runway and apron only appear when the aircraft has lifted. This isnt everywhere, most of the airports are OK. An example where this is apparent is at Woodbourne which of course is my home airport and where I would not wish it to happen. I suspect that this could be a conflict between the Real New Zealand scenery and Ultimate traffic but I cant see how.
Anyway no amount of shifting things up and down in the scenery libary has helped. If anyone can tell me what I should do or what I am doing or have done wrong it would be very much appreciated.

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Chief Captain
ceetee Chief Captain

Hi trihelm,

Everyone has the Woodbourne AFCAD problem, there is no fix for it yet 😞

As for the raised and sunken airports, you could visit the official 'Red Baron Entertainment Support' forums which are hosted on by clicking my sig, where many other people have had the same problem.

Basically, you need to edit the 'TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX=19' line in your fs9.cfg to say 'TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX=21' This fixed it for me.

Also at NZFF, we have heaps more links to payware/freeware NZ scenery and hunderds of NZ aircraft and ZK- reg paintjobs, plus some realistic AI projects which will get NZ jets and props, both current and retro, flying around your virtual kiwi skies,

Kia Ora,

Pro Member Trainee
trihelm Trainee

Guess I'll live with the probelm till somebody comes up with a fix. I did change the 'TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX setting when I installed - should be still the same but I'll check. With regard to NZFF I'll get there as soon as I can.
Thanks Again

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