Executive Tour

Pro Member Trainee
mpf858 Trainee

In the mission "Executive Tour", once I get past the shuttle, using ";" to save the spot, and sometimes using Esc, crashes the XP computer. This mission came with FXS Acceleration, I think. Does anyone know of a newer version of this interesting mission?


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Pro Member First Officer
Bob (Traches) First Officer

What's your problem? This mission is a bit tricky, but it's not too hard to do all the way through in one go. Just make sure to go low, slow, and pass stuff on the left side. I like to pass in a slight left bank to give the pax a better view...

The shuttle chase is the hardest part anyway, from there it's just a soft touchdown and you're golden!

Pro Member Trainee
mpf858 Trainee

So sorry Your Honorable Ace Traches, some of us learners like to use the ESC key without crashing our computers.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Despite the obvious misunderstanding on your part mpf858 the mystery still remains WHY you would want to save the mission before it's even finished be it by using ";" or "Esc".
When I first read your post, before Traches replied, I was going to suggest that those Acceleration missions cannot be saved halfway through simply because there seems to be no reason for it. I refrained from replying because I didn't know for sure.

If you read Trache's reply again you'll find that he was actually trying to help.
Kiss and make up 🍻

Pro Member Trainee
mpf858 Trainee

Why use escape? Well, when I run into a tree or something and it says "Mission Failed Press ESC". In this mission, it's mainly turning too sharply or something and "the Secretery hurts his back" - then the same "Press ESC" message appears to continue this mission, abort, or whatever. In this mission, hitting ESC past the first couple of objectives hangs the computer - hangs all 5 computers I have.

You said: "Despite the obvious misunderstanding on your part mpf858...". No kissy-kissy for either of you!

Pro Member First Officer
Bob (Traches) First Officer

When I said "what's your problem?" I meant it like "Tell me more about the problem you are having" not like "You stupid or something?", sorry. I should re-read what I write on the internet...

But yeah, not sure what causes it to crash, I've never had that problem but I've never tried to save in the middle of the acceleration missions. Chasing down the shuttle is the hardest part, if you can get that far then you can do the entire mission.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

mpf858 wrote:

Why use escape? Well, when I run into a tree or something and it says "Mission Failed Press ESC". In this mission, it's mainly turning too sharply or something and "the Secretery hurts his back" - then the same "Press ESC" message appears to continue this mission, abort, or whatever. In this mission, hitting ESC past the first couple of objectives hangs the computer - hangs all 5 computers I have.

... once I get past the shuttle, using ";" to save the spot

You fail to mention why you would resort to the above -- folks are trying to help you but don't expect us mere mortals to be clairvoyant.

Pro Member Trainee
mpf858 Trainee

Many thanks to both of you. Kissy, kissy and all.

I'll play around with this mission some more and try to observe more closely how thing go wrong.

Seriously, my responses here were not meant to be "flames". And I apologize if that's the way they came across. I do admit to some frustration in having this Beginner mission keep crashing. I could of course restart it from the beginning and hope to make it all the way through in one pass, but the crashes have become as interesting to me now as the mission.

Thanks again,


I just find it so funny when you pull back too much and the guy says "Ouch that hurt, alot, my back, and your career"

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