Default DC-3

Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

I like the look but not the feel of the DC-3 in FS9. I cannot get this beautiful aircraft to taxi. I have no control on the ground. I use a joystick. Any other aircraft I have full control. Any suggestions are welcome..

Thank you in advance.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Ensure the tail wheel lock is not on. It locks the tail wheel from free castering(direction), not it's rotation(rolling). Lock is at bottom of center consoles below throttles(Red handle). Normally you lock tailwheel on the runway before takeoff. Check that you have full control of rudder. If you don't have rudder pedals or a twist joy stick, use auto rudder.🙂

Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

I think that the tailwheel was unlocked and the rudder was working just fine. I am not all together sure about the tailwheel though. I don't have much experience with tail draggers. I'll take a better look the next time.


Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

edr1073 wrote:

I think that the tailwheel was unlocked and the rudder was working just fine. I am not all together sure about the tailwheel though. I don't have much experience with tail draggers. I'll take a better look the next time.


Just took another look, handle isn't red but it is in the location I described. The DC-3 handles poorly on the ground, differential braking and differential power help. 🙂

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You can also press "G" or "Shift+G" to unlock it.


Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

Thank you both. How can I do differencial brakes and throttles? I would guess that I would have to bring up those control screens to the cockpit view and manually move the desired throttle to turn. But the braking I have no clue.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Sorry, I'm spoiled. Embarassed I have the CH Throttle Quadrant and rudder pedals so it's easy for me to use differential power and brakes. The default keys for brakes are F11 and F12, the throttles would be actuated as you stated. 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

and thank you. If you spoiled yourself that is ok.

Pro Member Trainee
bunger Trainee

To use the differencial brakes move the rudder and push the brake. What ever direction you move the rudder, that wheel will brake. You need a little forward speed and tap on the left or right brake and the caster will start to turn.
The rudder will caster the tail wheel verry little for slight corrections, but the differencial brakes will make it turn farther. The same way, you need oposit differencial brakes to bring the tail wheel back.
Hope this helpes


Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

Thank you much. I haven't had a chance to do any of these moves yet. I should probably get taxi qualified before I try flying this beauty again.

Pro Member First Officer
Ed Reagle (edr1073) First Officer

Due to the expertise on this website I know can partially claim a victory in taxing the DC-3. It was still a little bit rough due to my over steering. But the unlock on the tail wheel definately makes it a lot easier.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain


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