Another Callsign Question

Pro Member Trainee
captainsimon Trainee

When flying the B738 in the dreamliner C/S I set the call sign to BOEING and the flight number to 6696 but the ATC does not say BOEING they just say 6696.

If I sat the callsign to any of the others like SOAR, GHIA or PACIFICA the ATC voice will say these call signs.

Is this a setting issue or a glitch?

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captainsimon wrote:

When flying the B738 in the dreamliner C/S I set the call sign to BOEING and the flight number to 6696 but the ATC does not say BOEING they just say 6696.

If I sat the callsign to any of the others like SOAR, GHIA or PACIFICA the ATC voice will say these call signs.

Is this a setting issue or a glitch?

I would think that BOEING wouldn't be recognized as a callsign because it's not an Airline but an Aircraft manufacturer.

SOAR, GHIA and PACIFICA are all airlines.

Pro Member Trainee
captainsimon Trainee

I understand what you are saying but in the aircraft details section you are able to assign a your aircraft a call sign and one of those is BOEING so it should called by ATC as such.

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