Landing a Harrier Jump-Jet on bridges?

Pro Member Trainee
Steve Brown (skyewalker) Trainee

Are there any bridges on which you can land a plane within FSX? I'm flying a Harrier and tried a VTOL landing onto a bridge, lined up nice, but the graphics just melted away and I slipped through the bridge towards the sea! Nice view of the underside pillars and fixings but not what I wanted! This was near San Fransisco Int. Anyone know of any in the FSX world where I can land ON TOP of the bridge please?

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Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

hi i have expireanced your same problem. I have found ones that are "solid" before but i am not shure were they are. I think theres some around the golden gate bridge area. Hope this helps

Drink coffee do stupid thing faster whith more energy.

Pro Member First Officer
Duncan (Razgr1z912) First Officer

Golden Gate is solid. I would recommend making a bridge scenery though, its not very hard at all.

Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

sooooooooo how do i do this make bridge scenery dont know anything about it (i know im not the one withthe question but i want to know how)

Pro Member Trainee
Steve Brown (skyewalker) Trainee

Thanks for your reply, I've tried Golden gate and yes you can land on it. But How do I make my own bridge scenary. I have no knowledge about this area of the programme but would like to learn, I'm sure others here too would benefit.

Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

yea skye walker i am with u on that i am ready to learn how okay Razgr1z912 were all ears

Pro Member First Officer
Duncan (Razgr1z912) First Officer

Open it up, choose your location via lat and long and just be creative. Make any shape you want. Compile it into a BGL file and put it in scenery > world.

Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

i this a safe sight that it is downloading from

Pro Member First Officer
n7xlq1 First Officer


Pro Member First Officer
Duncan (Razgr1z912) First Officer


Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

thanks guys my dad always wants me to be careful were i download from theres so much trash out there nowadays i just downloaded it and will try it

Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

i tried to install it and had problems what should i do do i need another program with this ❓ ❓ ❓

Pro Member First Officer
n7xlq1 First Officer

Rolaids wrote:

i tried to install it and had problems what should i do do i need another program with this ❓ ❓ ❓

What kind of problems are you having?

What I would do is right-click the file, and select open then see if there's a readme.txt file. That'll tell how to install it.

Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

it says application failed to start because alleg.dll was not found

Pro Member First Officer
n7xlq1 First Officer

Rolaids wrote:

it says application failed to start because alleg.dll was not found

what told you that?

Pro Member Trainee
Rolaids Trainee

it was an exe and a thing poped up said it was missing a component

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