Is it possible to remove Low bridges from FSX

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Can anyone tell me if its possible to remove bridges from FSX. The reason I ask this is because on the River Thames next to the millennium dome in London there are a series of very low foot bridges crossing the river making it impossible for anthing but a rowing boat to pass under. Yet just around the bend is the Tower Bridge which has to raise its road bridge to let bigger boats and ships through. All I can say is that anyone trying to land a float plane on this stretch of water is in for one hell of a shock.

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Pro Member Trainee
1up2down Trainee

Forget about my question because I have just found out that the River Thames is not navigable. Even Tower Bridge itself has nothing but high ground under it. Maybe I just need to uninstall my Genesis UK Scenery.

Pro Member Trainee
1up2down Trainee

Having done a clean install of FSX, it seems that it comes with the bridges and land locked River Thames. Can't understand why seeing as its not like that in FS2004.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

They made some major changes from FS9 to FSX along with the world being round in FSX.
Now you can fly over the pole not like FS9.
Maybe the was affected too.

Check this out.


Pro Member Trainee
1up2down Trainee

I wonder how many American flight simmers would have objected if in updating from FS9 to FSX they had put a bridge between Florida and Cuba, or placed a land masses across the Hudson River making it nothing but a series of lakes.

Fly anywhere in the USA and everything appears to be perfect, almost the same as it looks on Google Earth. So why on earth did they have to make such a mess of the UK?

P3D removed the land masses across the River Thames but it still has those low foot bridges where no bridges exist in reality.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If this will make you happy, here are fixes for 17 errors in FSX for the US.


Pro Member Trainee
1up2down Trainee

Before reading your reply I found a way of resolving the problem myself, or at least in London I did. I purchased VFR London X and City Airport which removed those bridges and all the land blocking the path of the Thames. I even managed to get a boat to cruise from one side of London to the other. Couldn't do that before because you would run aground. Mind you, it can only be done with the ignore crashes and damage box checked because you have to go through the bridges not under them. The bridges being meant only to be seen from the air.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Good to see that you fixed it mostly to your satisfaction.
Now you can enjoy the flight more.


Pro Member Trainee
1up2down Trainee

Got a feeling it might be just the tip of the iceberge but thanks for trying to help anyway.

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