My Account... im angry

Pro Member Trainee
Kritz911 Trainee

Well for some reason i got an email saying that my account has succesfully been created and thank you for your payment! wtf?! I didnt pay anything!! I didnt click any link i dont even have a paypal!! So what the heck is going on here?

Please reply I dont have any clue why this is happening and i dont want a monthly $5 plus on my bill!!!

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Pro Member Trainee
Kc (puppy-paw) Trainee

well at the bottom part of the e-mail i should tell you what the contact email is so just tell them in an email!

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Well you must of done "!

You cant creat a account on FlyAway without going on Paypal and paying.

And also Puppy-Paw Please, pleas change your avator its so enoying and way to big !

Pro Member Trainee
Kritz911 Trainee

morris91 wrote:

Well you must of done "!

You cant creat a account on FlyAway without going on Paypal and paying.

And also Puppy-Paw Please, pleas change your avator its so enoying and way to big !

But how would I have done this if I dont even have a PayPal account and never ever give my Bank-and CreditCard-Details out on the Internet because I'm afraid of exactly those things happen!

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Kritz911 wrote:

morris91 wrote:

Well you must of done "!

You cant creat a account on FlyAway without going on Paypal and paying.

And also Puppy-Paw Please, pleas change your avator its so enoying and way to big !

But how would I have done this if I dont even have a PayPal account and never ever give my Bank-and CreditCard-Details out on the Internet because I'm afraid of exactly those things happen!

Mate i dont know,

But when you create a account it take you to paypal. the only way to activate your account is to pay on paypal.

If you have questions please email flyaway by useing the 'Contact the team' link on your left or PM flyaway or Radarman useing the Forum.

Pro Member Trainee
drwhoere Trainee

same thing happened to me

Pro Member Trainee
Kritz911 Trainee

morris91 wrote:

Kritz911 wrote:

morris91 wrote:

Well you must of done "!

You cant creat a account on FlyAway without going on Paypal and paying.

And also Puppy-Paw Please, pleas change your avator its so enoying and way to big !

But how would I have done this if I dont even have a PayPal account and never ever give my Bank-and CreditCard-Details out on the Internet because I'm afraid of exactly those things happen!

Mate i dont know,

But when you create a account it take you to paypal. the only way to activate your account is to pay on paypal.

If you have questions please email flyaway by useing the 'Contact the team' link on your left or PM flyaway or Radarman useing the Forum.

Well, as I said I just dont have done so and I am very very curious about all the things we got right here...

Oh and I just did send an email to
I hope they will take care of that..

Thanks for helping me anyway!


do you have a monthly plus $5 on your telephone bill to pay or something?

Pro Member Trainee
Kc (puppy-paw) Trainee

i think to be far you should contact flyaway accounts as people pay good money for these accounts 😞

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

puppy-paw wrote:

i think to be far you should contact flyaway accounts as people pay good money for these accounts 😞

Why are you telling him that ?? He already did, Can't you see !

You just doing these posts to get yea rank up ! and dont say you arn't cos why else would you tell Kritz to do something that he already done !

And by the way, the rank on flyaway dosnt make you and diffrent

Also you only joined this a week ago and you already done 100 posts i never seen someone post that much, there arnt anoth new post for you to do that much.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

morris91 wrote:

puppy-paw wrote:

i think to be far you should contact flyaway accounts as people pay good money for these accounts 😞

Why are you telling him that ?? He already did, Can't you see !

You just doing these posts to get yea rank up ! and dont say you arn't cos why else would you tell Kritz to do something that he already done !

And by the way, the rank on flyaway dosnt make you and diffrent

Also you only joined this a week ago and you already done 100 posts i never seen someone post that much, there arnt anoth new post for you to do that much.

Agreed. Sir Spammalot

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