Rob Richardson

Pro Member Trainee
simonmmason Trainee

There are many repaints for Rob Richardson's meteor, verious Mks. Where can I find the FSX models? His website only seems to list models for P3d. I did find the Mk8 at Lock on, but cannot find the FSX versions anywhere.
Has anyone got any ideas?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Sorry, but it's a little early in the morning for me to make sense of your post.
How about posting the exact name of the FSX aircraft you want.
You name 3 but...


Pro Member Trainee
simonmmason Trainee

There are a number of repaints available on this site for Rob Richardson's Gloster Meteor. A number of Meteor Mk 1 to 10 are represented. However. I cannot find the models that the repaint's refer to. Rob Richardson's website only seems to have P3d versions of the model available. Where can I find the FSX versions?
I'm not sure how I can make the question clearer.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

This forum won't allow posting of the links I found.
The best that I can do is give you the names of the 2 sites and you  Google them.
It won't work in PM's either.
Robert Richardson's Content - Lock on Files 


Pro Member Trainee
simonmmason Trainee

Thank you Radarman.
Unfortunatly Rob's Aero only seems to host P3d models of the Meteor which don't work in FSX. I've tried.
LockOn only has the Mk8.
I'll keep looking.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Send him an email.
Ask him where you can find it (if it exists). 


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