Keyboard Commands for Engine Shutdown in FSX Steam Edition

Tom Samuelson Guest

Using FSX S.E. How do I shut down aircraft engines just using the keyboard like you can do in FSX?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
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It seems like you're looking to replicate the keyboard-based engine shutdown process in FSX Steam Edition (S.E.) that you're accustomed to in the classic FSX. Let's dive into this.

Understanding Keyboard Controls in FSX S.E.

The essence of effectively managing your aircraft in FSX S.E. lies in mastering the keyboard controls. These inputs allow you to simulate various actions, including engine shutdown, without needing additional hardware like yokes or throttle quadrants.

  1. Identify the Key Command: Typically, in FSX, engine shutdown can be executed using a default key command. This could vary slightly between the original FSX and FSX S.E. due to updates or modifications in the Steam Edition. From my knowledge, the default command often involves the Ctrl + Shift + F1 keys. This combination cuts off the fuel supply to the engines, effectively shutting them down.
  2. Check the Assignments: If the above combination doesn't work, your next step should be to check the key assignments in the settings. Navigate to the 'Settings' menu, then 'Controls', and finally, 'Buttons/Keys'. Here, you can search for the 'Engine Shutdown' command and see or reset its assigned key combination.

Adapting to FSX S.E. from Classic FSX:

Switching from the classic FSX to FSX S.E. might require some adjustment, especially if you're used to certain keyboard controls. FSX S.E. might have slight variations in key assignments or functionalities.

  • What to Keep in Mind:
    1. Consistency Across Platforms: Generally, key commands for basic functions like engine management remain consistent across FSX and other popular platforms like Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and X-Plane 12. This aids in a smoother transition between different simulators.
    2. Customization: If you find the default keys inconvenient, remember that FSX S.E. allows for customization. You can assign engine shutdown to any key combination that suits your flying style.

Asking for More Details:

If you're still facing issues or have specific scenarios in mind, please provide more details. Are you looking to shut down specific engines individually, or are you encountering difficulties with certain aircraft models? The more specific you are, the better I can tailor the advice to your situation.


To sum up, shutting down engines in FSX S.E. using the keyboard should typically follow the same process as in the classic FSX. It's all about finding or setting the right key command. Adaptation and customization are key elements in making the most out of your simulation experience.

Keep flying high and safe landings!

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