How to Resolve Non-Functional Navigation Instruments in CRJ-700 Freeware

steve_caruthers Guest

I installed the freeware Bombardier CRJ-700 (from GN Hangar, I think)  and, for a free and FSX-derived aircraft, it is a commendable job and also pleasant to fly.
However, I find it a not insignificant inconvenience.
The cockpit, although identical to the Citation CJ4, has some malfunctions/gaps. What I consider most serious is the impossibility of using radio navigation. In fact, the buttons located above the Primary Flight Display are not operational, I am referring in particular to the NAV, PFD MENU, and CCP MENU. Consequently, it is not possible to set a VOR, an ADF, an ILS, or any radio navigation aid, as well as a bearing, a DME, etc. Unless I am missing something, I think this is one of those bugs mentioned, due to the port-over from FSX, but it would be nice if, in an update, they could be resolved.
Thanks for your attention, Steve

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hey Steve,

I understand the frustration you're facing with the CRJ-700 freeware, especially when dealing with the inoperative navigation instruments. Port-overs from FSX to MSFS 2020 often encounter these kinds of issues due to differences in how both simulators handle avionics, flight dynamics, and systems integration. Let me walk you through a few things that could be at play here and offer some potential solutions.

First things first: Can you confirm if this is the CRJ-700 from Fly Away Simulation that you're using? There are various freeware versions of this aircraft floating around, and each might have slightly different quirks or limitations. If this is the one, it's important to note that this version is a "port-over," which inherently brings some baggage from FSX.

Common Port-Over Issues with Navigation Systems

Porting aircraft from FSX to MSFS isn't a straightforward process. MSFS 2020 introduced many changes, especially around avionics. Older FSX models often struggle to interface with the new glass cockpit systems, particularly for advanced functions like radio navigation. Here's why:

  • MSFS avionics codebase is different from FSX: The way instruments, such as the Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multi-Function Display (MFD), interact with the simulation's flight data is much more complex in MSFS 2020. This can result in non-functional buttons and incomplete or broken navigation systems in ported aircraft.
  • Custom gauges might be missing: Many FSX models relied on custom XML gauges for avionics, but those gauges don't always translate well into MSFS 2020. The buttons you're referring to (NAV, PFD MENU, CCP MENU) likely fall into this category.
  • Legacy autopilot and navigation systems: Older ported aircraft often don’t communicate with MSFS’s new autopilot and navigation systems effectively, leading to issues with setting VOR, ADF, ILS, and other radio aids.

Potential Workarounds

There are a few approaches you could take to address these problems. While none of these will fully "fix" the port-over issues, they may offer a temporary workaround.

Using External Software to Supplement Navigation

If the in-built navigation controls are non-functional, one option is to supplement with external programs like Little Navmap. This tool allows you to track and set waypoints, VORs, NDBs, and more outside the sim. Although not a direct fix for the aircraft itself, Little Navmap can at least enable radio navigation externally, giving you much more control over your flight path.

Modifying the Panel.cfg File

Another option is to manually tweak the panel.cfg file for the aircraft. While this can be a bit tricky, you might be able to assign more functional avionics to replace non-working elements.

Steps to follow:

  1. Navigate to the aircraft folder (usually found in the MSFS Community folder if installed as a mod).
  2. Open the panel.cfg file in a text editor.
  3. Look for entries related to the NAV, PFD MENU, and CCP MENU buttons and try replacing them with working controls from other MSFS aircraft (such as the CJ4 or A320).
  4. Save your changes and reload the aircraft in MSFS.

Important note: Backup the original panel.cfg file before making any changes.

Waiting for a Patch or Updated Version

It's possible that future updates to this freeware will address these issues. I would recommend keeping an eye on the original download page and seeing if the mod developer releases any patches or newer versions that address these missing functionalities.

Alternatively, you might want to explore other CRJ-700 freeware models that have been specifically developed for MSFS 2020. Sometimes, it's just a matter of finding the right mod that works better with the latest simulator.

Alternatives and Considerations

Since the CRJ-700 is such a complex aircraft, it may be worth considering the payware versions, such as those developed by Aerosoft. They have fully functioning avionics and are built natively for MSFS 2020, which ensures a much more seamless experience—especially in terms of navigation systems. This may not be the route you want to take, but it's worth considering if you're regularly flying the CRJ series.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, freeware port-overs from FSX to MSFS 2020 come with their share of compromises. While they're a great way to experience aircraft that might not be available otherwise, they can be tricky, especially when it comes to advanced avionics like radio navigation. If you're comfortable with tweaking files or using external navigation aids, you might be able to bridge the gap until the developer updates the aircraft.

Let me know if you need further help or clarification on any of the steps mentioned. If this isn't the version you're using, provide a bit more detail on the exact aircraft and I'll try to give more specific advice.

Happy flying!

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