I can't use the navigation instruments in CRJ-700 GN Hangar freeware

steve_caruthers Guest

I installed the freeware Bombardier CRJ-700 (from GN Hangar, I think)  and, for a free and FSX-derived aircraft, it is a commendable job and also pleasant to fly.
However, I find a not insignificant inconvenience.
The cockpit, although identical to the Citation CJ4, has some malfunctions/gaps. What I consider most serious is the impossibility of using radio navigation. In fact, the buttons located above the Primary Flight Display are not operational, I am referring in particular to the NAV, PFD MENU and CCP MENU. Consequently, it is not possible to set a VOR, an ADF, an ILS or any radio navigation aid, as well as a bearing, a DME etc. Unless I am missing something, I think this is one of those bugs mentioned, due to the port-over from FSX, but it would be nice if, in an update, they could be resolved.
Thanks for your attention, Steve

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