Concorde for FS2004 FREE

Pro Member Trainee
ATCTimmy Trainee

Does anyone know any decent sites where I can download a concorde I don't care which airline really, but it has to be free!


You can get a great Concorde package that works with FS2004 and FSX right here in the library:

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Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

I do but i cant remember the address, sorry.

Its the Project Mach 2 concorde. Maybe somebody has the address?

Pro Member First Officer
Barge First Officer

Never mind found it...
➡ (dead link removed)

Pro Member Captain
PanAmerican Captain

Barge wrote:

Never mind found it...

Make sure you know french, or have the french edition of FS2004.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

PanAmerican wrote:

Barge wrote:

Never mind found it...

Make sure you know french, or have the french edition of FS2004.

No need for either. The page should by default display in English. If it doesn't, up the top, left hand corner just underneath the Concorde picture you'll find the options : Francais - English.

Now it's up to you to choose. That could be a tough one 🙂

Good luck, Rick

Simon1980 Guest

Hello, i really want to try that Concorde out but the link no longer works to the French site, is there another link or i'd really appreciate if someone could send it to me perhaps?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Here's their new site, see if they still have the Concorde.


Simon1980 Guest

RadarMan wrote:

Here's their new site, see if they still have the Concorde.


No cant see it !

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

yeah if only it was free 😀

But i've heard that people have had a lot of problems with getting the mach 2 concorde to work right. can anybody here confrm that?

BoeingLover Guest
Pro Member Site Admin
Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) Site Admin

You can get a great Concorde package that works with FS2004 and FSX right here:

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