How not to land on water

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

Notice the tip floats were not down and locked.

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Pro Member Captain
PanAmerican Captain

Bet the guy that landed that is in trouble

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

I suspect he was in need of clean underwear.LOL

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

WarHawk42 wrote:

Notice the tip floats were not down and locked.

I wonder -- I thought those floats were fixed on the Goose?
It's quite possible that the float on the starboard side got simply knocked off.
It looks as though the pilot came in too fast, panicked and overcompensated. Happens to the best of us 😀

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

Look closely, both floats are loose. If they are fixed he must have ripped them loose on landing. It does look like he was way too fast.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Yes I can see the one on the port-side being loose as well. Good eyes -- like a Hawk.
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Scroll down and look under Modifications. The Goose in the clip might well have had retractable floats. I live and learn - hopefully Read

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

It's hard to say whether these were fixed or retractable. If they were fixed there would be brace wires, but you can't tell in this clip if there were any.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Solotwo Chief Captain

More I watch the more I realize that they are surely retractable and they weren't in the down, perhaps either he's just an idiot and forgot, or perhaps he couldn't get them down, who knows, pretty scary to watch either way.

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

Without knowing more about it it looks like some serious pilot error to me. Two things, it appears in this clip he was going way too fast, secondly, at the speed he was going he should have been able to keep the plane level with the ailerons until it had slowed down.

Unless this was some kind of a movie stunt I think the pilot was the cause of this.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Solotwo Chief Captain

No doubt, if it was a problem with the tip floats you would think he could've landed on land at an airport. Either way at least he didn't go straight into those tree's, could've been worse.

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

He didn't do much going straight. It would have been much worse if he had went into the trees.

If he had known he had a problem with the floats you would have thought he would have landed at a strip instead of on the water, he had that option.

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