I got a very nice e-mail today. It is an invitation to be seated with a guest speaker at a local college. The cool thing about it is that the speaker is a guy named Captain Al Haynes of United Airlines Flight 232. This incident was caused by a failure of the #2 engine which resulted in the loss of all hydraulics. 184 people survived the crash. This is truly an ass kicking moment.
Cool - sounds good! 😀
It truly is
😀 😀 😀
Ah yes I remember that flight. The fan in the 2nd the engine split all 3 hydrualic lines and had no control. For more info ➡
If I remember I think they made a film of this but sure. if they did does anyone know what it'd called
WOW!you're lucky!
hms_endeavour wrote:
WOW!you're lucky!
Indeed 😀
hms_endeavour wrote:
WOW!you're lucky!
Yes but it is nothing more than a lecture that he is speaking out to a group of people. I just happened to be one of the guys out of several people who decided that they will come. So I guess it is not much of an invitation more than an opportunity to come due to considering the college. But it still is very cool 😁 http://www.westminstercollege.edu/aviation/index.cfm?parent=4125&detail=5873
Wow Nate66, you're a pretty lucky guy, congradulations! 😉
al haynes is a hero... i could not even imagine landing a DC-10 steering it with only engine power...
all souls aboard that flight truly should have been lost.. this is a triumph in human piloting skill and aviation knowledge.
..may those who didnt make it out rest in peace
Today was the day. I finally saw him and he is very motivational. I also found out that the plane was more damaged than I thought when it crashed. He also told us about acceptance, teamwork and train of thought. Not to mention that imagining the forces that he faced. I personally think that it is amazing to see a healthy person who survived being a fulcrum to a 267,196 lb+ plane give out a lecture to 100 people.
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