Flight ZB768 End of flight report Date April 15 2006
Flight ID: ZB768
Pilot: Cameron
Company: Monarch
Aircraft: Commerical Level Simulations - Airbus A300-6
Flight Date: April 15 2006
Departure: 14h55 (12h55 GMT)
Arrival: 14h52 (13h52 GMT)
From: EBBR - Brussels Natl - Belgium
To: EGKK - Gatwick - United Kingdom
Nbr of Passengers: 148
Flight Distance: 203 miles Landing Speed: 149.90 kt
Time Airborne: 00h50:28 Landing Touchdown: -202.31 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 01h02:27 Landing Pitch: 6.52°
Time On Ground: 00h11:11 Landing Weight: 335276 lbs
Average Speed: 210.37 kt Total Fuel Used: 15186 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 260 Fuel Not Used: 63215 lbs
Climb Time: 00h14:26 Climb Fuel Used: 6227 lbs
Cruise Time: 00h10:01 Cruise Fuel Used: 1629 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 385.30 kt (M0.61) Cruise fuel/hour: 9763 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h26:01 Descent Fuel Used: 7328 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +£10,078 (203 miles)
Cargo Income: +£12,603 (54399 lbs)
Services Income: +£0 (1 sandwich 0 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -£196 (50% quality)
Fuel Cost: -£3,712 (15186 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -£177 (Heavy Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -£979 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: £17,616
Total Income: £880,825 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: £0 (0 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: £880,825 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price normal, the service price free and the service quality good, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 70% (+2.98 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 230 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
yay lol, i know most of you are c10 but ive only been using fsp seriously for 3 weeks.
Glad to hear of your promotion! 👍
Congratalations Beerbadger
beerbadger wrote:
Aircraft: Commerical Level Simulations - Airbus A300-6
Not sure what you're doing flying an A300 as a c0 (now c1)... but hey... 😉
I started my own Bush Flying company, I just got to c4 last night and now I can fly multi-props! I find that starting the company from the ground (started with only $500,000) is much more fun. I have a small fleet and fly 1-2 people at a time. I just bought a 6-seater and can now fly 5 people max. Slow going, but much more rewarding
MEh, i bought the plane... i fly the plane.
Sphagnum1 wrote:
beerbadger wrote:
Aircraft: Commerical Level Simulations - Airbus A300-6
Not sure what you're doing flying an A300 as a c0 (now c1)... but hey...
I started my own Bush Flying company, I just got to c4 last night and now I can fly multi-props! I find that starting the company from the ground (started with only $500,000) is much more fun. I have a small fleet and fly 1-2 people at a time. I just bought a 6-seater and can now fly 5 people max. Slow going, but much more rewarding
Depends if you choose the economic option where you have to gain ranks to fly bigger aircraft. I must admit, I did find that method a lot more rewarding, now I have bought a jet 😎 Each to his own 😉
I'm pretty close to being C10 now though I have no where enough cash to buy anything in that league. Started with the 2nd lowest amount of cash started out flying a mooney since I was actually using the liscense limitation, now I have a total of 5 craft's, 2 Beech 1900C's, one pax version and one freighter, one 1900D, one Beechcraft Baron 58 and one Cessna Citation X, need more moola though.
Solotwo wrote:
I'm pretty close to being C10 now though I have no where enough cash to buy anything in that league. Started with the 2nd lowest amount of cash started out flying a mooney since I was actually using the liscense limitation, now I have a total of 5 craft's, 2 Beech 1900C's, one pax version and one freighter, one 1900D, one Beechcraft Baron 58 and one Cessna Citation X, need more moola though.
I started in the same position - I got into the bigger jets by selling most of my smaller aircraft, and then buying a bigger jet. At that point you get about £5 million for each flight you do (depending on length and the aircraft) so you can make money quickly 😉
Solotwo wrote:
I'm pretty close to being C10 now though I have no where enough cash to buy anything in that league. Started with the 2nd lowest amount of cash started out flying a mooney since I was actually using the liscense limitation, now I have a total of 5 craft's, 2 Beech 1900C's, one pax version and one freighter, one 1900D, one Beechcraft Baron 58 and one Cessna Citation X, need more moola though.
Well then,my friend, you need more planes! The key to making more money is not to do more flights but to have a bigger fleet! I started out with the least amount of money possible and I now have around 30 hours of flight time with this company. I bought an amphibous 4-seater for 3/5th of my cash and as soon as I could, I bought another similar plane. I built my way up to my original starting cash and bought a Piper Cherokee six. I now make around $100,000 for each 1 1/2 hour flight I do and have almost a million dollars. Time to buy the next plane!
Point being that my "fleet income" is more than my flight income each flight and the more planes you have in working condition, the greater this becomes. Even if they are small, it still helps a lot.
Is this about FS or about FSPax?
FsPassengers 😉
99jolegg wrote:
FsPassengers 😉
Thank you Jon, it would save a lot of confusion if the originator of the topic would have the foresight to point that out.
Tailhook is right.Probably the FSPax forum is needed. ❗
flyaway knows that we ask for it(I have also ask and discuss it Via PMs).Dont get any promise of course but Im waiting for his movement.We shall see
Till then its easy for us to make FSPax posts clear by type something like FSPax in each post title which refers to this add-on.
Just a suggestion.
Greekman72 wrote:
Tailhook is right.Probably the FSPax forum is needed. ❗
flyaway knows that we ask for it(I have also ask and discuss it Via PMs).Dont get any promise of course but Im waiting for his movement.We shall seeTill then its easy for us to make FSPax posts clear by type something like FSPax in each post title which refers to this add-on.
Just a suggestion.
A very good idea. But honestly , how many out of hundred would remember or bother to do that?
I dont know ...I will start from myself with the hope others follow...not me...the idea... 😉
Greekman72 wrote:
I dont know
...I will start from myself with the hope others follow...not me...the idea... 😉
Good luck! That's all it boils down to.... not reality.
Sphagnum1 wrote:
Well then,my friend, you need more planes! The key to making more money is not to do more flights but to have a bigger fleet! I started out with the least amount of money possible and I now have around 30 hours of flight time with this company. I bought an amphibous 4-seater for 3/5th of my cash and as soon as I could, I bought another similar plane. I built my way up to my original starting cash and bought a Piper Cherokee six. I now make around $100,000 for each 1 1/2 hour flight I do and have almost a million dollars. Time to buy the next plane!
Point being that my "fleet income" is more than my flight income each flight and the more planes you have in working condition, the greater this becomes. Even if they are small, it still helps a lot.
Well I am making well over 300k for every hour and a half flight, just saving up for my ATR-72, then I can start making serious cash to get jets.
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