I haven't tried any yet, if you do please report back in this thread.
(dead link removed)
I'm including this one found by Wing-Man.
Dual core processors: FS9 allegedly doesn’t take advantage of the second processor.
But here is a neat trick how to force FS9 make use of both processors on a dual-core
system: Start Flight Simulator, load your flight in windowed mode, then press
Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the Windows Task Manager. Click the "Performance Tab" and
observe that FS9 is only using one processor. Unless you have tons of other programs
running, the left window will show a heavy load, the right graph a very low load. Click on
"Processes" and look for "fs9.exe" (if you click on "Mem Usage" it should be the first or
last item). Right-click "fs9.exe" and select "Set Affinity". Remove the check mark from
one CPU. Close the window, then repeat the process and select both CPUs again. FS9 will
now spread the workload over 2 processors. You should notice
a marked difference in performance. If this does not work on your PC, contact Microsoft
Support for the optional "dual-core hot fix".
Wow - some very cool tweaks there! I'm tempted to download the autogen replacement, but I'm a skeered!!! 😂
This looks good and sensible even from the distance of my fs9.
...safely stashed away for when I finally get fsx.
Good find RM - I'll definitely be looking at that when I get FSX 😉
RadarMan wrote:
More tweaks a PDF.
Excellent information.
CrashGordon wrote:
RadarMan wrote:
More tweaks a PDF.
Excellent information.
To try and read and absorb it all in one sitting is impossible.
Amazingly detailed.
RadarMan wrote:
More tweaks a PDF.
Looks great. I've got a lot of reading to catch up on
I zeoed in on those tweaks I can do to the fsx.cfg, rather than the replacement autogen and similar things. Since I have a backup for the cfg, I can always und whatever doesn't work.
CrashGordon wrote:
I zeoed in on those tweaks I can do to the fsx.cfg, rather than the replacement autogen and similar things. Since I have a backup for the cfg, I can always und whatever doesn't work.
Let us know if and how well anything works.
I'm trying something out now. will have results later. Too bad I have to reload FSX every time I change something.
I added the following line to the [MAIN] section of fsx.cfg
The idea was to give a little greater time slice for graphics to be drawn. The line isn not included by default, but may be left in with its default value of 0.33.
The only thing I observed is what appeared to be a smoother transition at the detailed texture radius.
Unrelated things I found that you can get away with without taking a performance hit. You can move the texture resolution to its maximum (17cm, I think). You can set road traffic at 35% and water traffic at 100%. I suspect the reason is that these take images of only a few pixels and don't move very rapidly, whereas a/c are more detailed and move in 3 dimensions.
Without a good graphics card, no matter what you set your water effects at you won't get the reflective surface. You will see water movement, but it won't be great.
Note that all thes things relate to a mediocre PC, not a high end, and certainly not a really low end.
does that tweak work for all games or just FS9?
Spoty101 wrote:
does that tweak work for all games or just FS9?
Try it and tell us, I don't have a Dual Core 2 yet.
Spoty101 wrote:
does that tweak work for all games or just FS9?
Maybe I've got it all wrong, but those tweaks seem to apply to FSX not fs9 😳
I found this searching online. I gained about 5-8 fps. I've read that some people have gained much more and some people had no change at all.
Open up control panel and goto "system".
Click on "advanced" tab.
Click on "settings" under "performance".
Check the box that says, "adjust for best performance".
By doing this your computer will revert to a Window 98 type state. No fancy desktop or anything. All you need to do to change it back is to go back to the screen and check the box that was previously checked. It was probably the one that says, "Let windows choose whats best for my computer".
Post any positive or negative feedback and changes in FPS
Does that duel processor problem happen with FSX?
not much but a few FPS increase:
1. right click FSX shortcut icon
2. select properties
3. select compatability tab
4. tick disable visual themes
5. tick turn off advanced text services (leave if you require them)
click ok and start her up 🙂
btw...the above tip does has the same effect has the previous tip, only it does not effect the whole system, just the game itself.
More Tweaks for FSX and great support!
If you do not feel like you can muster up the courage to do it yourself-HighFlight will do it for a small charge
They also have great "Must Have Files" to enhance some effects and many great aircraft. A Super Connie that is one of the best freeware I have ever downloaded. It even has a Setup.exe file for easy loading into FSX
Give the site a try!
It's dead huh.
Try these, he was a designer for FSX at Aces software.
Do any of these tweaks work for a Quad-core processor? Please let me know before I have to do the complete re-install of all my add-ons and program again. Thank you ever so much for your help and assistance
These were all put out way before Quads but since most are for the sim and have nothing to do with the CPU you should be able to use them.
I know you are having problems with getting SP2 but without it all the cores of your Quad won't be used.
Here's a good, recent FSX tuning/tweaking guide by Nick Needham: http://www.simforums.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=29041.
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