Greekman,was this you?

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Found this little gem in an aviation magazine!
Four Mirages were being delivered from Bordeaux to Jordan and stopped overnight at a Greek airbase.Their departure was scheduled for early the next morning so the pilots went off to their billets leaving a Greek conscript to guard the aircraft overnight. As he was all alone on an empty airfield at night he apparently got bored and looked for some entertainment. He eventually found the pitot tubes of the Mirages to be suitable for some gymnastics and decided to do some pull ups, not being designed for this purpose the tube simply bent down. Horrified at what he'd done he came up with a solution to the problem....
A few hours later when it was time to change the guard the commander stood aghast at the sight that met him. The pitot tube of each Mirage was bent down rendering all four aircraft unflyable.
The guard finally confessed that after the original mishap he bent all the rest thinking that if they all looked the same nobody would notice!

Greekman?????????? Idea

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Pro Member Chief Captain
hms_endeavour Chief Captain

😂 Pretty funny!!!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

I didnt knew that my actions are making the round of world... 😂

Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

hahaha that's pretty awesome! He's like a celebrity now! 😂 😎

Pro Member First Officer
earthqu8kes First Officer


Pro Member Trainee
HelpsJ Trainee

haha thats the kind of thing i would do

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

HelpsJ, not seen you around before! Nice to hear from you!

Pro Member Trainee
EGNRflyer Trainee

Thats great! nice to have a bit of humour on here

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

Welcome EGNRflyer! Just trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Lambro Guest

Apparently the pitot avionics cost $1 million each.. so he had to join permanent force for the next 300 years + Interest.?

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