Weather Radar?

Pro Member Trainee
Greyson Bassett (greystone) Trainee

I have enjoyed the real-time weather feature in both FS9 and FSX. Haven't seen any add-on for a weather radar panel to give the cockpit even more realism. Nothing in the Learning Center points to this for the G1000 MFD or any other panel. Anyone know of a solution to this?

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Pro Member First Officer
faust1200 First Officer

Ermm.....switch to the sim X-plane?? Although I have thought the same thing. It would be cool to have the weather radar since it is commonly used esp. in commercial aviation and very useful I may add. I'm speculating fsx doesn't really know the position of a cell thats 20-30 miles away from you. When I used to fly X-plane the weather radar worked very well but the transition through different weather was very abrupt and the handling of cloud layers sucked but it had great weather radar!- heh. I haven't played it in years though. If you care, it's a free demo at'd be curious to see how it is nowadays...but not curious to check it out myself Wink

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