Adding to the Default Music?

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

How could you ADD music to the default list? I'm thinking George Thorouhgoods "Bad To The Bone', or some CCR! The default tunes make me want to go watch "The Sound Of Music", or something!

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Pro Member Trainee
Mark Hyder (markhyder) Trainee

waj2306 wrote:

How could you ADD music to the default list? I'm thinking George Thorouhgoods "Bad To The Bone', or some CCR! The default tunes make me want to go watch "The Sound Of Music", or something!

The music is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Sound\UIMusic

I think that music must be a wav file.

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

Thanks Markhyder. I'll research it. If I make any progress, I'll post my findings>

Pro Member Trainee
Mark Hyder (markhyder) Trainee

waj2306 wrote:

Thanks Markhyder. I'll research it. If I make any progress, I'll post my findings>

I do know that it does play my wav file.

Pro Member Trainee
Mark Hyder (markhyder) Trainee

It does not play MP3 files only wav.

Pro Member First Officer
William A. Jones (waj2306) First Officer

Thanks...I have a team of songologists on it as we speak! 👍

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