Changing FSpax Music

Pro Member First Officer
Odyssey First Officer

Is it possible to transfer music from a CD and use it for the ambient music files in FSpassenger?

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Pro Member First Officer
Greg West (BashDaBish) First Officer

It most certainly is.

You need to convert your music file to .wav format. Then *Rename it to one of the following (whichever you wish to replace):-
* Backup your ambientmusic files in the fspassengers/sound/CrewPack/Default folder
Then move your new soundfiles into the fspassengers/sound/CrewPack/Default folder

Pro Member First Officer
Odyssey First Officer

Much obliged sir.

Pro Member First Officer
Odyssey First Officer

Does anybody know how to convert the file into a .wav format?

Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

there are a bunch of programs that'll let you do that. or you could do it manually

Pro Member First Officer
Odyssey First Officer

With all respect to you sir... that of course is my question. How do you do it manually?

Pro Member First Officer
ARD-DC First Officer

With Winamp. Go to Options -> Preferences -> Output and select "Nullsoft Disk Writer Plug-in".
Click "Configure" to select an output folder to save the WAV to.

Pro Member First Officer
Odyssey First Officer

Thanks dude

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