full screen key?


is there a key that I can press and make a view into a full screen view?

I am using multi-screens. It is a hassel to drag the view from the main monitor to the side monitor, and then have to fiddle around with the disappearing cursor to enlarge the frame.

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I think the windows default is ALT ENTER

asdsimmer Guest

tried that. didn't work.


I don't think the ACES studio anticipated the advent of multiple monitors.

FSX is not designed for multiple monitors, although you can have multiple views and the views can be dragged to another monitor. This is not to say FSX was designed with multiple monitor in mind.

The simming experience is hampered when you crashed an airplane during a mission -- you have to restart all the views, you have to drag all the views to the monitors one by one, and you have to enlarge the views to fit the monitor again one by one. And you have to adjust the views again to the camera angle you want. THis takes forever to do.

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