Aerosoft A-10

Pro Member First Officer
Alec Stelloh (Thunderbirdman2) First Officer

It says in the manual you can fire the weapons. But it dosnt tell how I read the whole thing twice and it says pull the trigger on the joystick when the gear is up I did that nothing happened is it beacause I was in the ferri version? Or somthing else? If you can how do you fire the other weapons?????

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Here is an excerpt from a article that I found:

"The A-10 also has some impressive effects. Despite the fact that Microsoft didn't put weapons into the sim, Aerosoft still managed to simulate the GAU-8. The gun works by pulling the trigger on your joystick in the air (if you have rudder pedals, you have to hit the brakes there). From the cockpit, you hear the gun and see tracers shooting from the nose, and from the outside, you see smoke (although it seems a little lacking from what is shown in footage of the gun firing) as well as the gun spinning and tracers flying. All of this moving and lighting is also accompanied by the distinctive sound of airborne artillery. Aerosoft even limited the firing time to the correct 17 seconds, after which pulling the trigger results in nothing happening. It's worth noting that the gun effects are somewhat finicky and might take a while to get to work correctly (a tip, cycle through ALL of the 2D panel windows and use the switches to toggle the lights on and off a few times). I should also take the time to say that there are actually two sets of models available. The installed model has dynamic shine, which looks good and highlights the details of the model better, but some people may think the "dull" model to be more realistic."

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