FSX Aircraft folder

Pro Member Trainee
MJDykas Trainee

Just wondering what exactly this folder is for? I'm not talking about simobjects/airplanes, it is just aircraft. I did notice that some AI planes reside in there, is that what its for AI aircraft.....versus putting them in your simobjects/airplanes folder?

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Pro Member First Officer
Duncan (Razgr1z912) First Officer

It must be from an FS2004 installation into your fsx folder

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

emerald_flag wrote:

i paid for UT and it made it's own folder

...who's talking about UT?? ...what am I missing?? 😳

Pro Member Trainee
MJDykas Trainee

Yea that's probably the case......which brings up another question. Is there a way to add AI aircraft to FSX so that they don't show up in your aircraft selection screen.

Pro Member Trainee
MJDykas Trainee

The WOAI aurcraft are not the problem, they don't show up in the general aircraft selection screen. I guess I should re phrase my question to " what item or line in the aircraft config file allows the plane to be seen in the aircraft selection screen? I still can't figure out why some AI aircraft show up but others don't. I have a specific AI aircraft folder set up which keeps them separate from simobjects/airplanes. It just bugs me to see a few of them show up on my selection screen. The majority don't show up, just a few of them

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