Boeing 767 Aircraft

Pro Member Trainee
Tim (CaptainTower) Trainee

Does anyone know if the Boeing 767 normally flys into and out of Cleveland-Hopkins (KCLE)? I once flew from Chicago to Cleveland on a DC-10 and that is a wide body heavy. I just noticed that KCLE does not have any GATE designated as HEAVY.


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Pro Member First Officer
Westernstyle First Officer

Delta flys there 767's there i think.....

Pro Member Trainee
Tim (CaptainTower) Trainee

That's what I thought. I just noticed the other day that FSX does not have any Heavy Gates at KCLE. I have a new 767 and wanted to park it there, dark and cold, but it looks silly sitting at one of the "Medium" Gates and, of course, the Jetway won't work with it because the 767 is just too big for that gate.

I guess I could make one with FSXPlanner. I was hoping I could find a KCLE bgl that had at least a couple of Heavy Gates already made.

Thanks for the reply.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

As a last resort you could always get the add-on:

Pro Member Trainee
Tim (CaptainTower) Trainee

Tailhook wrote:

As a last resort you could always get the add-on:

I checked out the Blue Print KCLE and found it won't work with my 64-bit Vista. I am glad they told me right up front. I have seen so many utility software programs that say they are compatible with Vista and then I discover that it is not compatible with Vista 64.

Thanks for the link, though. That must be some airport if it is $21. I almost wish I had never discovered Vista 64 so I could try it.

Pro Member First Officer
Colin Reece (Col7777) First Officer

Is there any radius programs for FSX like 'Parking Manager' for FS9, I was thinking you could reduce the radius on that aircraft so it could park there?
It might be a work-around till you can get an AFCAD.

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