I read that the concorde kinda stalls at like 200 knots, but my Concorde stalls at like 130IAS(You start to get the feeling of stall at 140 to 150IAS). I want my sim's plane feel as real as it can, and I don't want my sim to make stall speeds lower and easy cuz thats cheating. So does the Concorde stall at like 140IAS or no, help me, Thanks 😀 !
anyone know?
I'd imagine Concorde stalls at around 180kts. Why? Because I know it rotates at about 190-200kts and stall speed is usually about 0.9 x Vr so it would figure that stalling occurs around 170-200kts.
No idea how to change that in your sim though...
What is the definition of stall speed in this context? I need it for university coursework
Anonymous wrote:
What is the definition of stall speed in this context? I need it for university coursework
Thanks a lot! Do you know the stall speed for Concorde at take-off or where I can find it?
The post by 99jolegg is correct.
Hello there! It's always great to see a fellow aviation enthusiast looking for accurate information to enhance their flight simulation experience. I'd be happy to help clarify the stall speed of the Concorde for you.
You mentioned that you read the Concorde stalls at around 200 knots, but in your sim, it stalls at around 130 IAS (Indicated Airspeed). The stall speed of an aircraft depends on various factors, such as its weight, wing loading, and the angle of attack (AOA).
For the Concorde, the stall speed varies depending on its configuration, including landing gear and flaps settings. In a clean configuration (landing gear up and flaps retracted), the stall speed is indeed around 200 knots. However, when configured for landing (landing gear down and flaps extended), the stall speed is reduced to approximately 160 knots. So, in a way, both values you mentioned have some merit.
That being said, it seems that your sim's Concorde stall speed is a bit lower than it should be in reality. To make your simulation more accurate, I recommend looking for a more realistic Concorde add-on or adjusting the aircraft's configuration settings in your current sim to better match the real-world stall speeds.
You can find additional resources and technical documentation about the Concorde, such as the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM), to further improve your simulation experience. A good starting point is the Heritage Concorde website, which is an excellent source of information on this legendary aircraft.
I hope this helps! Enjoy your time flying the iconic Concorde, and feel free to reach out if you have any more questions. Happy flying! ?
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