I created a new Airport just to test something but as long as the .AFD-file exists it instantly crashes the game. If I delete this file .. all is fine .. the place has actually nothing expect of the basic information and one Runway .. so I have no Idea what excatly causes the error.
FS 2002
for creating: FSSC 1.5.11 (setting in options is on "using FS 2002")
thanks for help
It seems the simple thing to do is to get rid of the offending file, it wasn't made properly.
Try with a new one.
ok, it seems I was a bit unprecise..
I have 2 Airports .. a greater one (which has the same Problem) and this small one (the testport to get rid of this Problem).
So I tryed X-times to change minor things and recreated the AFD-file .. on my mainport I actually delete this file everytime so that I can further work on the Airport (If I don't delete the file I have a 100% chance to Crash the game .. so recreating don't work).
The problem is that (If I'm correct informed) the AFD-file contains the Surface-information of the hole place (so on my main place everything expect of the Runway feals like taxiing on Grass).
Your changing "things" and it doesn't work, maybe you don't have enough information to do such work.
2002 is a tough one to repair because most sites have migrated to 2004 and FSX.
I never used 2002, if you drop in disk #1 will it do a repair.
With changing things I ment for example try without runway .. or different surface types or no tower .. so I changed things on the field layout to figure out which one causes the problem.
A repair wouldn't work because I tryed on different systems and from different CD's .. so I don't think that the game itself causes this error.
P.S. what do you mean with not enough information?
Sorry for late reply ..
I tryed the older version of FSSC as you recommended, but I coulndn't figure out how to create BGL/AFD.bgl.
If I use the compile option (export BGL and AFD) he asks me for the position of scasm ... scasm found ... Programm created .sca data.
So how could I create the AFD to figure out if it works with this version.
I have never tried these, they were recommended to me by a friend who builds scenery for FSX.
He uses different software of course but this is what he was told works for 2002.
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