Exploring Short Regional Flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Seeking Recommendations and Tips

Crazy flier 12 Guest

Hello fellow sim enthusiasts,

I'm keen to explore a variety of short, regional routes in Microsoft Flight Simulator X and would appreciate any additional recommendations or pointers from your experiences. Here are some of the routes I've enjoyed:

  • Singapore to Kuala Lumpur
  • Hong Kong to Taipei
  • Karachi to Sukkur
  • Manama to Dubai
  • Doha to Dubai
  • Kathmandu to Delhi
  • Phuket to Kuala Lumpur
  • Islamabad to Lahore
  • Washington, D.C. to Toronto
  • Las Vegas to Los Angeles
  • Kuwait to Doha

I've had a lot of fun with these and I'm looking for similar experiences. What other routes do you guys recommend that are similarly enjoyable and scenic? Also, are there specific aircraft or settings that enhance the flight experience for these short hauls?

Crazy Flier 12

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hi Crazy Flier 12,

It's great to hear you're enjoying those short regional flights! Microsoft Flight Simulator X (MSFS X) offers a fantastic platform to experience the thrill and beauty of quick, scenic routes. Below, I’ll delve into some additional routes you might enjoy, as well as tips to enhance your simulation experience.

Additional Routes to Consider
For more enjoyable and scenic short-haul experiences, consider adding these routes to your list:

  1. New York (JFK) to Boston (Logan International) - A quick jaunt that offers stunning views of the Eastern Seaboard.
  2. San Francisco (SFO) to Los Angeles (LAX) - Perfect for enjoying the beautiful California coastline.
  3. London (Heathrow) to Paris (Charles de Gaulle) - Experience the charm of crossing over the English Channel.
  4. Tokyo (Haneda) to Osaka (Kansai) - Fly over captivating landscapes in a very short time.
  5. Sydney (Kingsford Smith) to Melbourne (Tullamarine) - Explore the diverse terrains of southeastern Australia.

Aircraft Recommendations
For short regional routes, aircraft choice can greatly affect your flight experience. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Bombardier CRJ700 - Ideal for its agility and size, perfect for regional airports.
  • Airbus A320 - A bit larger, yet highly efficient for short to medium routes.
  • Boeing 737-800 - Offers a good balance of size and performance for busier routes.

Simulation Settings to Enhance Experience
To make the most out of your flights in MSFS X, tweak the following settings:

  • Weather Settings: Adjusting weather conditions can add a realistic challenge or beauty to your flight.
  • Time of Day: Flying at different times (e.g., dawn, dusk) can dramatically change the scenic views.
  • Traffic Settings: Increase AI traffic for a more lively environment, especially around airports.

Remember, the beauty of flight simulation lies in the freedom it offers to tailor your flying experience. Explore, experiment with different aircraft and settings, and most importantly, have fun!

Safe skies and happy flying,

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