I was wondering, what is the difference between flaps and slats, I know that flaps are on the back of the wing and that slats are at the front of the wing, but what do they do and do all aircraft have them?
Thanks 😀
they are used along with flaps to increase the camber of the wing and provide additional lift at low speeds, so that the aircraft comes in slower, and needs less runway to land on
There's no real difference, slats are flaps on the leading edge, but they increase lift differently than flaps do. They increase the angle of attack of the wing.
Most aircraft have a maximum angle of attack of 15 degrees, after that, air doesn't curve over them enough to prodice lift. Slats increase the angle of attack maximum to around 20 degrees. They also produce drag like flaps.
Cheers FEM 😀
Lol, i should have edited my post with the new info instead of replying to myself like that.
hope it helped
Yep, it did help, one more question..........Do all aircraft have them ❓
as far as i've seen, not all of them do. some private jets and regional aircraft don't have them. I guess the bigger aircraft all do. I'm not sure about all the airbus ones though, i'd guess that they do.
Only the big boeins have them. Like 737s and up
Thanks 🙂
yeah, but does airbus have them too? I'd imagine so, but hey, who know's with them weird Europeans
y'all know i'm jokin, European women are hunnies! *droll*
we've got this German exchange girl at my school
Just done a bit of research and found that Airbus do use slats.
At the bottom of this, it has slat and flap settings.
oh, cool
99jolegg wrote:
Just done a bit of research
and found that Airbus do use slats.
At the bottom of this, it has slat and flap settings.
I'd think so.
Yes, Airbus does have slats. I know this stuff. I fly most Airbus than Boeing.
Is it me, or do they not have a control button or lever to control the slats in the sim, or do they work automatically with the flaps?
If you set the flaps to the first position, slats will come out.
so what is that stuff you can set to RTO, Level 1, 2, and 3, and Max.
I use it for landind and take off on 737 but dont know what its for.
They are autobrakes . Use them on landing on either 1, 2 or 3. Setting one is used for normal conditions, i.e. dry and clear, setting 2 is used if the runway is wet, 3 or MAX are normally used in cases of emergencies. 1 is standard though. When you land, it will brake automatically for you so you don't have to. RTO means rejected take off and is used on take off if there is a fault and the take off is rejected, the plane will stop using these brakes. They are of the same power as the MAX setting. Hope that helps 😀
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