turbo prop

nicolsonterry@gmail,com Guest

May I ask our esteemed a/c designers if they know of any Britannia 312 a/c for free down load ?

The icing on the cake if there is one wouldbe having it in British Eagle livery.

I flew G-AOVT (now at Duxford) as Chief Steward back in the 60s.

As I am housebound my life is Xplane 10 and it is the most awesome programme I have never owned.

I hope the folk who made it read this site as I can thank them most heartaly.
Thank you all in anticipation


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I owe you 10 pints of best 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

😀 Some day I'll take you up on that.
Enjoy the new aircraft!


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