HELP with Add-on texture/paint

Pro Member Trainee
jeff61059 Trainee

sometimes my addon aircraft don't show their paints, just a flat grey model. can anyone see whats wrong in this picture?

title=FSX Stearman_PT-13A
model =
panel =
sound =
kb_checklists= Stearman_check
kb_reference = Stearman_ref
ui_type=PT-13A-early WWII USAAC
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="David Eckert"
Description=The Stearman Aircraft Company, started in 1927, was combined with Boeing in 1934. In the same year, the prototype Model 70 private-venture training biplane, designed by Harold Zipp and Jack Clark, was built. Some 61 were bought by the USN as Model 73s and the improved Model 75 appeared in 1936. In total, 8,428 Model 75s had been built by 1945 when production ended. Used by the USAAF and the USN, as well as by other countries, the Model 75 had a variety of military designations: USAAF PT-13, PT-17, PT-18 and USN N2S-1 to N2S-5. The PT-27 was an enclosed cockpit version used by Canada. All Kaydet versions were similar, differing mainly in the type of engine used.\n\nThis model depicts a pre-WWII USAAC PT-13A.
Model, panel and gauges By😀avid Eckert,FDE by Dennis Seeley and scenery by Mark Smith.

title=Stearman_PT-13A '27' Paint1
kb_reference =Stearman_ref
ui_type= PT-13A - early WWII USAAC
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="David Eckert"
Description=The Stearman Aircraft Company, started in 1927, was combined with Boeing in 1934. In the same year, the prototype Model 70 private-venture training biplane, designed by Harold Zipp and Jack Clark, was built. Some 61 were bought by the USN as Model 73s and the improved Model 75 appeared in 1936. In total, 8,428 Model 75s had been built by 1945 when production ended. Used by the USAAF and the USN, as well as by other countries, the Model 75 had a variety of military designations: USAAF PT-13, PT-17, PT-18 and USN N2S-1 to N2S-5. The PT-27 was an enclosed cockpit version used by Canada. All Kaydet versions were similar, differing mainly in the type of engine used.\n\nThis model depicts a pre-WWII USAAC PT-13A.
Repaint By:John Terrell ([/img]

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Go to the graphics tab in the FSX menu and uncheck the Directx box.


Pro Member Trainee
jeff61059 Trainee

ty Radarman....i'll try that.

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