Where does one go to learn to create airport scenery?
We have a local very small airport that would neat to have realistic scenery for.
Hello there,
It's great to see your interest in creating realistic airport scenery for your local small airport in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MSFS 2020). Scenery design can be a rewarding and engaging experience, especially when you bring your local airport to life in the sim. I'd be happy to provide some guidance on getting started with this endeavor.
To begin learning the ropes of airport scenery design in MSFS 2020, there are a few resources you might find helpful:
To create realistic scenery for your small airport, consider following these general steps:
Remember, scenery design can be a complex process, and it may take some time to become proficient. Be patient and persistent, and don't hesitate to ask for help from the community when needed.
I hope this information helps you get started on your journey to create realistic scenery for your local small airport in MSFS 2020. Good luck, and happy designing!
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