Resolving Automatic Flight Plan Settings Post-Update in MSFS

rick anderson Guest

Am I the only one that every time there is an update something doesn't work?  I spend 3x more hours trying to fix this game than I do flying.  NOW the flight plan defaults to automatic—both with in-game and Navigraph.  No choice of runway, everything is direct no ILS.  I am so sick of this.  I bet I have reinstalled this game 25 times, frustrated beyond belief.  If you can help I will name my next child after you.  I am 71 so don't hold your breath.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

I understand the frustration that comes with software updates altering your setup—it's something many of us have encountered. From what you've described, it seems the core issue is the flight plan defaulting to automatic settings, especially after updates. This can indeed disrupt the immersion and control you expect from your flight simulator. Let’s troubleshoot this and see if we can prevent future disruptions.

Firstly, it's crucial to verify if the issue persists uniquely post-update or if it also appears intermittently during regular use. Often, updates reset certain configurations, which might be causing this automatic default setting.

Here are a few steps to manually adjust your flight plan settings in MSFS 2020:

  • Open the World Map from the main menu.
  • Once you’ve chosen your departure and arrival airports, click on the Flight Conditions button.
  • Make sure to uncheck any options that say “automatic” or similar. This ensures you’re manually selecting your desired flight plan elements.
  • For ILS approaches, specifically, you'll want to select your approach manually by choosing it from the dropdown list that appears when you click on your arrival airport.

If you're using Navigraph, it should sync well with MSFS, but sometimes updates can misalign the data. Check if your Navigraph subscription is up to date and ensure it's properly linked to MSFS. Sometimes, re-linking your account can resolve these kinds of issues.

Additionally, consider setting a restore point on your PC before each update. This way, if the update alters settings unfavorably, you can revert to a previous state where everything worked as desired.

If the problem continues, you might want to engage directly with the MSFS support forum or check for any patches that specifically address these issues. Community forums and official patch notes can offer solutions tailored to recent updates.

Asking for More Details:
If the steps above don’t resolve the problem or if there’s a specific scenario where the settings revert, could you provide more details? Knowing exactly when and how this occurs can help pinpoint the solution.

Your experience, although challenging, helps the whole community by identifying and addressing these quirks. Thanks for sharing, and I hope we get your simulator back to a state where you spend more time in the air than troubleshooting!

Closing Thoughts:
Remember, simulators are complex pieces of software that, while providing us incredible realism and control, also bring some technical challenges. Patience and community support are key.

Safe skies!

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