need a new no cd crack for lock on , pls help

zoomer Guest


can anyone help me out to find the no cd crack for the new lock on patched version which is v1.01, cos the first no cd doesnt work anymore.


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Sparty Guest

Zoomer,if you get one let me know please.




Still trying to find a crack as well.Been trying to crack it luck yet.
Will send you a "toy" when I get it.

If you do before me...


zoomer wrote:


can anyone help me out to find the no cd crack for the new lock on patched version which is v1.01, cos the first no cd doesnt work anymore.



v1.01 crack.

Guest Guest

😀 Many thanks to our misterious guest submitting the crack from Deviance. This has worked for me. 😂


Anonymous wrote:

v1.01 crack.

hi there sorry to jump in but think you will find this is the right one for that download.

from -=SoNiChEaT=-


I have installed this but I am getting an error message

"LockOn.exe - Entry point not found"

Please help me

Pro Member Site Admin
Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) Site Admin

You guys can also try:

Last edited by Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) on Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total
Foolosopher Guest

Thx a lot Guest, worked fine for me 😉

vinyi Guest

Hey, Guest, you may try to install the patch before copy the cracked exe to the game folder!

Anyway, thanks for the link!

Hi Guis i am Rosso_5 Guest

i downloaded the file from the web site that i saw on top of this topic but came out as a file bmp and i dont know how to open it and where install it !
there is a simple krak no cd somewere in the web for a version 1.01?
Bye to all Rosso_5

gconcu Guest

Hi, can anyone help me? I download that patch but it doesn't work properly.

I already have the original CD game, but I need to use it in 3 different PC's.


Rosso_5 Guest

Ok guis,
you can download that file and unzipit not whit winzip ,but whit winrar, so download winrar and change the original file exe of the main folder of lock on game whit the one you have downloadet , Bye to all and dont forget to visit the CFS 3 Diavoli Esauriti Italian Squadron. 😀

tedwah Guest

where do you copy the .rar file in the lock on directory, cant get it to work


When i do the training missions, i get a msg saying that its a version mismatch or something, and that there could be problems, and on the 1st section, second training, it always freezes when it moves. anyone else having this problem? is it the crack?

Turbo1234456 Guest

i get same problem in training missions, plus i get no in game sound on all lvls ,i get all the sound on the menu and stuff, but once im flying i get no sound, plz help me


thats a problem with the 1.01 patch, they say finish the training missions before you apply the patch. The authors are making a 1.02 patch that will fix lots of bugs. Don't think they have a release date yet.

"Off to try the no cd patch âž¡ "



Can somebody pls post what you have to do when you have downloaded the .rar file. I've lock on with patch installed.




anybody know where crack is for 1.02? 😞

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

anybody know where crack is for 1.02? 😞

Is this what you want. Just feed "lock on" into the search engine.


Guest Guest

I don't think they have no cd crack fro patch 1.02 just yet. I've looked everywhere and they don't have it. Does anyone know the no cd crack for 1.02?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

None that I can find.
Check this out.



Anonymous wrote:

anybody know where crack is for 1.02? 😞

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

anybody know where crack is for 1.02? 😞

Take a look at the link in the post above yours, there isn't one yet.
Sorry, but as soon as we find one we'll post it here.


Dror Guest

IF you don't belive me just try.


where i can find patch 1.01 for Lock On ?? ?? ??

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If you monkes spent half the time READING about the game you would find out that there is no CD check for 1.02....

gunner_uk2000 Guest

well i've applied the 1.02 patch and it works. BUT the .exe file wasn't actually changed by the patch so you may have to install the 1.01 NO-CD to get it to work.


The 1.02 patch for Lock-On doesn't need a no-cd crack. After installing the 1.02 patch, you'll find that the CD is no longer required. 😀


Need to review all your versions gentleman. Lock ON 1.1 Falming Cliffs is out and requires STARFORCE activation and as of this date the game has not been cracked or appear on the share networks


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