HOW can I get into the passenger cabin of BOEING 777-200

Pro Member Trainee
phamminhtuan Trainee

I have just downloaded BOEING 777-200 in which you can see the passenger cabin( in the virtual cokpit mode). But i just can see the cabin(outside) but i can't go inside it. HOW CAN I SOLVE this PROBLEM. PLEASE help me! THANKS xoxoxoxo. 😕

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

👍 Welcome!

Active Camera will take you on a walk through the aircraft and outside also.
Try before you buy.

This one is free, try it also. (F1View Utility). It's not as complete as the other.



phamminhtuan wrote:

I have just downloaded BOEING 777-200 in which you can see the passenger cabin( in the virtual cokpit mode). But i just can see the cabin(outside) but i can't go inside it. HOW CAN I SOLVE this PROBLEM. PLEASE help me! THANKS xoxoxoxo. 😕

Pro Member Chief Captain
hinch Chief Captain

i'm guessing that's the meljet then. there are many downloads that give you views of the inside of that plane.

views are defined in the panel, search for 'meljet cabin views' or something.

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