ps passengers problem

drdave Guest

please could somebody help me because i downloaded a demo of ps passengers the other day and as i load the plane with passengers i click on the ok button at the bottom and it says register and pay. i would really like to know if you can only use ps passenger properly if u buy it or if im doin something wrong. plzzzzzzzzzz could soebody help mee!!!!!!!

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pearlygatesuk Guest

I think you mean FS Passengers. I've downloaded the demo also.

As i'm lead to understand you can only fly out of one airport on the demo version wheras the full version allows you to fly from any airport and has a few more options available.

Do you have to pay for it? Well I think the only official answer to give here would be "Yes" since thats what the FS Passengers website says, and lets be fair, someones taken the trouble to write this wonderful piece of software we should at the very least give them support to do more of the same right?



Pro Member First Officer
Pro-Sim First Officer

The Demo version can only be used when flying out of the San Francisco area.

The full version can be used anywhere in the world.

Yip - you have to pay for the full version. Dan, the independet developer of this packed his job in and spent 1 year developing this for the FS community.... so he deserves all the $$$ he makes from this excellent add-on.

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