Where can i find the concorde

Flyboy 92 Guest

Hi everyone. Does anyone know where i can download the concorde? I have always wanted to fly one! I have heard it is fun and easy to fly. Thanks to all that can help 😀

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
Taylor (Flyboy92) First Officer

Thanks tailhook but before i download it i have a couple of questions. ❓

1. is it free
2. will it damage my computer
3. how long does it take to download

Thanks again.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Very wise to be cautios Flyboy!

1. It is completely FREE!

2. No guarantie abut possible computer damage ever, no matter what you download. But in this case you really don't have to worry as the development team has a good reputation and of the thousands of simmers who have downloaded it, I've never heard of a complaint. As a matter of principle, take your time and always follow the installation instructions by the letter - should you get stuck regardless, you'll always find a helping hand in these forums.

You certainly don't need all the liveries to begin with (you can always download additional ones later on) just stick to the basics for now!!

Base -
- Sound -
- Panel -
- Livery -
- Patch & Update-
- Manuals -

The site looks a bit overwhelming at first - but just give it a break and revisit it the next day and things start falling into place. Remember, worldwide there are literally thousands of simmers who have this beautiful a/c in their hangar and you'll be one of them soon.

3. How long the download takes depends on your internet connection. I've got a real slow one so I just download bits and peaces whenever I get around to it. But that shouldn't be a problem if you really want this beautiful Concorde.

You won't be disappointed, Rick 😀

Pro Member Trainee
topgun222 Trainee

Flyboy 92 wrote:

Hi everyone. Does anyone know where i can download the concorde? I have always wanted to fly one! I have heard it is fun and easy to fly. Thanks to all that can help 😀

easy to fly.......................................................................................

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

topgun222 wrote:

Flyboy 92 wrote:

Hi everyone. Does anyone know where i can download the concorde? I have always wanted to fly one! I have heard it is fun and easy to fly. Thanks to all that can help 😀

easy to fly.......................................................................................


What's wrong with this one? Has it crashed???

Pro Member First Officer
Taylor (Flyboy92) First Officer


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