Virtual Airlines: Filing Reports

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

I'm posting this here because in the VA forum, they are speaking a language I don't fully understand.

I have been looking at some VAs that do not require that flights be online. That is because I would be a nervous wreck online. I was looking at Pacific Airways Virtual Airlines which seems to meet my requirements, and have joined it.

Before biting the bullet, if there is anyone here that is familiar with them that can tell me in terms an idiot would understand, how I go about selecting a flight and filing the necessary reports?. I'd ask over there, but folks here already know I'm dumb. Crying or Very sad

I'm trying to keep my flying interesting without raising the level of tension to the point where it is no longer fun.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

What's there link?

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

I can see the available flights. I can figure out what the 1, 2 and 3 categories mean, but have no idea what the A, B and C designations mean.

Do I have to request to fly a route in my category? If so what is the procedure? Or do I just fly the flight?

Then, do I file the report when I finish each leg or only after completing the return trip?

I looked all over the site for clarification and couldn't find what I was looking for. I didn't think it was a good idea to say, "Hi, I am new here and don't understand the instructions everyone else has no trouble with", over there.

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

First of all welcome to APG family. The A, B, & C stands for the following
A = Passngers
B = Passengers & Cargo
C = Cargo Only

So for example if you flow the following flight

Blythe, CA PAY/7000 KLAX KBLH 0:50 2 / C
PAY/7001 KBLH KLAX 0:50

You would use the Cessna 208 of the Fokker 50. For the B & A flights you would use the Cat 1 & Cat 2 Pacific Blue birds.

When it's time to file a flight report do it after you have finished the flight. Here's a quick shot of my flights so far to give you an idea of what to do

I didn't think it was a good idea to say, "Hi, I am new here and don't understand the instructions everyone else has no trouble with", over there.

Don't worry we won't bite you Twisted Evil Twisted Evil The guys are a great bunch and are very helpfull. Enjoy your time at the LA hub. See you in the skies, I'm from the London Hub PAY8215

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Okay, now I think I've got the idea. I was happy to see they had a repaint for my FeelThere 208B. To aid me in keeping statistics, I'll use FSPassengers. Thanks very much.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Okay, that worked just fine. I always dread new situations. 🙄

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