Just Flight DC-9-30 users (cabin pressure question)

Pro Member Trainee
Todd (ohboy710) Trainee

For anybody who has the Just Flight DC-9-30 = can somebody tell me what you need to do to correctly pressurize your cabin. I have everything working corretly, but I always get the cabin pressure warning so I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas would be great.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I don't have your program but I try my best to help. I think that your pressurization panel is similar to the one above.

1. Set the cruise altitude in the first window on the left.

2. Set the landing field barometric pressure(for FS use 29.92 with standard weather.)

3. You want to keep your cabin rate of change at approx. (.5-1.0) 500-1000 FPM.

4. The large dial to the right is your cabin altitude/ differential pressure dial. the schedule is the scale at the top left hand side. For 25,000 ft you would want a cabin altitude of about 4,500 ft. Use climb rate knob to raise or lower cabin altitude to match schedule.

I hope that this is of some help. I wish that I could be more specific but I don't have any documentation on this system. 🙂

Pro Member Trainee
Todd (ohboy710) Trainee

Well, it's been a while but I decided to try this again. And I still can't get it to work. In the picture the dial thats set at 5, I changed to 20 (for 20,000 feet) and the other one thats set at 28.3 I changed to 29.92. Then I set the bottom right guage to somewhere between .5 and 1. That's all I changed. So when I get above 5,000 I start getting cabin pressure alarms, so I must be missing something. What else could be the problem? Do I need to switch to be on Preliminary or Stby - I have tried both settings... so I give up. I don't even fly this plane because the alarms won't shut up LOL. Any help would be great.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Yes it's been a while. What is your cabin altitude and differential pressure as you climb through 5000'? Is it possible for you to post the PDF manuals(zipped) (free, no sign up) Then post the link here in the forum so I could take a look at them.

The more I look at the picture the more I think that the altitude setting on the left is cabin altitude not aircraft altitude. The setting would be in reference to the chart at the top of the panel. To fly at 20,000 ft., you would set a cabin altitude of about 3,000 ft. before takeoff. This is an old system and I don't have a reference, sorry if I confused you.

Pro Member Trainee
Todd (ohboy710) Trainee

Okay, so after you said you wanted to see the manuals I thought "hey maybe I should read the darn manual". Actually I never even thought of reading those before this post LOL. In any case, I start reading and I found out you must enable an environment switch first, before anything will work with cabin pressure. So, I'm guessing that will fix the problem, but thanks for all your help. If for some reason I still can't get it to work I'll let you know.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Good to hear, let me know the procedure for future reference. I would still like to see the manuals if you could upload them and post the link.

Pro Member Trainee
Todd (ohboy710) Trainee

Well is not working right now, the site seems to be down. So I posted the manual here... I'll leave them up for a couple weeks so you can look at them. Thanks for all your help.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Thanks, I've downloaded the manual. 👍

Pro Member Trainee
Flt634 Trainee

Make sure that you set the clime/desend lever to clime just before take off. It's found on the throttle quadrant also switch from stand by to primary on the contral panel.

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