Moving inside the cabin

Pro Member First Officer
KevinTsai First Officer

Guys, the Perfect Flight Fly the Airbus A380 also has cabin views and I want to know how to move around the cabin. Some flightsim videos I saw on Youtube has cabin views. Does anyone know how to move around the cabin?
Here's the link to the views.
Take a look in the cabin section

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Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

active camera payware

Pro Member Captain
Karlw Captain

active camera payware mabye there is a freeware thing oput there not 100%sure

Pro Member First Officer
KevinTsai First Officer

didn't know about that

Pro Member First Officer
pilatflyr First Officer

it's freeare for FS2002, but wo uses that! 😀

Ealk and follow is also pretty good for getting camera angles, but active camera really does the trick

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