Want to try out ATC for free ?

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

Hey all,

I discovered this from the latest PC Pilot magazine.....

If you've ever fancied trying out being an Air Traffic Controller this is for you.

There are some incredibly complex ATC sims out there, that make 737NG look like FEMs Posky planes 😉 but this one isn't really a sim, it's more of a game or challenge that you can fill a spare hour with.

Freeware download - nice and fast, even on Dial-up:


Very good fun and very addictive - you have to land as many planes as you can within an hour. The planes start in a holding pattern and you select them and give them their Headings and Altitudes, until you get them Established onto the Localizer.

Enjoy !

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Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

cheers GPS i will have a look tonight when i've finished work and have some fun

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

Obviously I can remember "Liono" but what was the name of the big blue fella (cat!) in the picture ?

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

Off Topic!
ok the one on the left is tigra the next is Cheetara then the big blue fella is called Panthro then the lord himself Lion-o

once again thanks for the link

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

I'll tell you what, if I were in a bar and accidentally knocked over Panthro's pint I would not, repeat NOT be causing a scene !

Can you remember "Pole Position" the Japanese cartoon - that was my favourite from the 80s.... !


Speaking of ATC, i hear they have a very high stressful job.

And was thinking about trying out for ATC if i never made it as pilot. What is ATC like?? hows the demand for atc, and what is their pay like.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Again, I'd rather have somethin that may be a little bit more simple but reliable for free than plop down 20-30 bucks for somethin that MIGHT work right 😉

Pro Member Trainee
C-GENX Trainee


Sorry...but I just had to throw in my two Cents....Pence....Hence this diabolic interlude.


Yeas...Thundercats wuz Ok, BUT....B U T TTTTTT, THUNDERBIRDS 2086 takes the cake with the cool whip and a cherry, mate.

This made privy to your understanding only with the acknowledgement that BATTLE OF THE PLANTETS would be the choice, but alas...it first aired in the 70's....The artists....went on to make Thundercats in the 80's.

Peace 'all.

PS Hey GPS 😂

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

Oh yes, Battle of the Planets, I forgot about that one - now that was serious.... but of course, there was always;

Masters of the Universe...... BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL !


Pro Member Trainee
C-GENX Trainee


Ahhh yes ! He-(will always be the)Man. Many after-school Cookies 'n Milk Trips spent with the Big Man and his Pussy...err...I mean Cat 🙄 ... all while 'Bustin' a Move' in my living room to 'totally-awsome' trax by the likes of Dead or Alive and Rob Base! Idea 😳

Kid, You Feeling Old Yet Mate...lol. I never thought the day would come when the '80s would make me feel OLDSCHOOL.

Cheers...and Get in Touch. 🙂


There was so much spirit in the 80s though.... I mean, I know I'm starting to sound like an old fella at my still youthful 32 years but in the 80s the music was better, TV was better, Bars and nightlife was better.... In fact the only bit that wasn't better was Flight Simulator !

Now put your pussy away man and act like a genteman ! 😂

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