how do you take screenshots and then upload them?
have an editor open such as Microsoft Paint, then during flight press your Print Screen key. Then hit your windows key and paste the shot into paint. Save it as a JPEG.
Then open up a free account at where you can then upload the pics.
Once done, copy the IMG into any of your posts and we will be able to see your pictures.
Please keep them reasonably small as this seems to keep everyone happy.
Hope this helps
Micah 😉
Download 'GrabClipSave' from
Very easy to use.
FS Snapper is my personal favorite for taking screenshots. If you load this utility before starting FS you can hit printscreen and have it save a screenshot to a foler, with whatever pre-fix you want, and at whatever quality and size. You can even have it paste your location over the picture!
Imageshack is my personal favorite site to upload to. Your pictures are essentially in their system permanently, and without a limit to your upload amount. Each file needs to be under 1mb, but a 1024x768 screenshot reduced to 65% of its size (in bmp format) will work perfectly. Also, there's no re-sizing like there is with photobucket 😉 . Just copy the "direct link" using the "IMG" tags and you're set!
wut i s the "printscreen" button?
earthqu8kes wrote:
wut i s the "printscreen" button?
Top row on your keyboard -- 3rd from the right 😉
f2? ill try that
earthqu8kes wrote:
f2? ill try that
From the right -- not from the left 😀
it's 2 above the DELETE key, backspace. delete.
hinch wrote:
it's 2 above the DELETE key, backspace. delete.
Now that my friend, depends on the type of keyboard
very true tailhook. i have a laptop. luckily my dads computer is an old pc so i found it on there and then looked 4 it on the laptop. so now i ahve found it. thanx 😀
Are you old enough to have some of this? 🍻
no im 11
That's okay. Just remember where that 'Printscreen' key is located.
I mark my important keys with pieces of chewing gum - but be warned, it can get a bit messy 😀
should something come u when i press it. because nothing is happining
whoops i accidently logged out
Anonymous wrote:
should something come u when i press it. because nothing is happining
Just use the free version of screen hunter, I've been using it for quite a while now.
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