😀 Hello all
Got a iFDG airbus? Are you of sitting in front of the engines?
Do you want to sit behind the wing Do you want to see the flaps moving and the spoilers deploy on landing
Here's how........Open up you fs9 folder/aircraft/iFDG airbus/panel
(If you are aliasing the default 737 then copy all of it then paste in the iFDG panel)
Now alter the lines in views to (Copy&paste)
VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -23.0
VIEW_RIGHT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 70.0
VIEW_LEFT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -23.0
VIEW_LEFT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 290.0
Save and fire up fs9 and get ready for the most realistic views yet (in my opinion) And you still get the front engine views(keypad 1 & 3 for engines 4 & 6 for rear wing views)
Will post a screen shot here very soon(its up to the boss)
Please note I have altered the settings for a better angle
Ps any one know how to alter the keypad config so that the views are in order(it would be nice to have rear views on 1 & 3 etc
Happy viewing 👍
Does this work cause ive tried a couple and they are rubish
👍 Yes this one works because the view point has moved towards the back of the plane
Most of the other wing views add/replace bmp files to the panel so that your adding a picture of a wing
This just shows what is allready there(and as it is animated you get to see the flaps move etc)
NOTE this has been tested for the iFDG Airbus only
Try it with some turbulance and watch those wings dance
I am trying with other aircraft and will post when ready
Enjoy the view
🙂 Hello again
I've been messing with the Posky Boeing 767-300 ER and have a nice close up view of the left wing(again showing flaps and spoilers)as if you are sat just behind it.The right wing view is from further back (about 4 or 5 rows) again with full animation.
You may have to add a new section to the panel file(dependant on what panel you use)
Open the panel config with notepad and look for window titles
[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel
Window02=Overhead Panel
Window03=Mini Panel
I've added the window04 .Yours may be window03 or whatever
Now scroll down to the last [windows] entry and then copy and paste this after it (leave a space)
VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -30.0
VIEW_RIGHT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 50.0
VIEW_LEFT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -20.0
VIEW_LEFT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 280.0
And thats it close and save then fire up fs9 and become a passenger
This posky plane is one with flexing wings.....watch em bend on touchdown
Have you found any new wing views lately?
Beautiful! Every time I fly commercially I always say under my breath as we prepare to takeoff off or land " Show me your feathers you lovely angel. Commercial airplanes are graceful and beautiful. Corny, ain't I ?
Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:
Have you found any new wing views lately?
I was trying with the default fs9 aircraft but could not get it quite right But at the moment am quite happy with the Airbus
Are there any you would like me to try?
It'd be pretty sweet to have one for the default 747! That's always a cool plane!
Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:
It'd be pretty sweet to have one for the default 747! That's always a cool plane!
How about this one, good enough? Show us a sceen shot if it is.
I have tried but most of the default aircraft models seem to have the side views built into the model of the aircraft
The only way I have found to add them is if the side views of the cockpit are in the panel,then you just delete them and add the code Thinking out loud here .......what if I delete the VC in the code
I will have a play about and keep you posted
No no no, do-not even think of it
I think I will stick to add on aircraft as it is less stressfull
😂 Ok, probably should just stick to the addons. Dont want anyone's brain to pop or anhting. lol
tomthetank wrote:
😀 Hello all
Got a iFDG airbus? Are youof sitting in front of the engines?
Do you want to sit behind the wingDo you want to see the flaps moving and the spoilers deploy on landing
Here's how........Open up you fs9 folder/aircraft/iFDG airbus/panel
(If you are aliasing the default 737 then copy all of it then paste in the iFDG panel)
Now alter the lines in views to (Copy&paste)
VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -23.0
VIEW_LEFT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -23.0
VIEW_LEFT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 290.0Save and fire up fs9 and get ready for the most realistic views yet (in my opinion) And you still get the front engine views(keypad 1 & 3 for engines 4 & 6 for rear wing views)
Will post a screen shot here very soon(its up to the boss)
Please note I have altered the settings for a better anglePs any one know how to alter the keypad config so that the views are in order(it would be nice to have rear views on 1 & 3 etc
Happy viewing 👍
i have tried to get this thing with the wing view to work but i doesn't?! 😞
could someone please help me or explain it more detailed?
What can you do and where is it all going wrong?
Tell me which Airbus you are trying this on
What panel you use
Hi again!
Thank you for answering! 😀
i'm using the IFDG Iberia with the default 737 panel..
do i just have to paste all that numbers into the "panel.cfg"?
i don't seems to work for me.. 😞
There are better panels about than the default 737 one,however one step at a time,
1st copy the default 737 panel config(open fs9/aircraft/737-400/panel,right click mouse over the note pad entry and select copy)Now paste it somewhere safe(create a new note pad on your desktop and paste it there (open the new note pad right click mouse and select paste)
2 come back to this page and copy all from below(as above)
3 Goto the default panel config and click edit(at the top)select all and then delete.
4 Right click your mouse in the now empty space and select paste.Close and select Yes to save changes
5 fire up fs9 and fly your Airbus
Note you will not get wingviews with the default aicraft,but you should if the panel is alised to other add on craft
Copy and paste all from below and enjoy 😉
// Panel Configuration file
// Boeing 737-400
// Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[Window Titles]
window00=Main Panel
window01=Radio Stack
window03=Throttle Quadrant
window04=Overhead Panel
Window06=Mini Panel
gauge00=737-400!Airspeed, 0, 64
gauge01=737-400!Flaps, 586, 64
gauge02=737-400!Altimeter, 237, 45
gauge03=737-400!Vertical Speed, 238, 128
gauge04=737-400!Fuel Quantity, 236, 204
gauge05=737-400!Main Set, 335, 85
gauge06=737-400!OMI Lights, 1, 153
gauge07=737-400!Oil, 468, 85
gauge08=737-400!Clock, 17, 147
gauge09=737-400!RMI, 1, 211
gauge10=737-400!HSI, 86, 162
gauge11=737-400!ADI, 85, 39
gauge12=737-400!Gear Lever, 586, 217
gauge13=737-400!Nose Gear Light, 594, 180
gauge14=737-400!Left Gear Light, 579, 198
gauge15=737-400!Right Gear Light, 609, 198
gauge16=737-400!Reverser Unlocked Left, 354, 68
gauge17=737-400!Reverser Unlocked Right, 416, 68
gauge18=737-400!AT Lim, 385, 68
gauge19=737-400!Low Oil Left, 458, 68
gauge20=737-400!Low Oil Right, 519, 68
gauge21=737-400!Start Valve Left, 489, 68
gauge22=737-400!Start Valve Right, 549, 68
gauge23=737-400!Flaps Ext, 609, 115
gauge24=737-400!Flaps Transit, 579, 115
gauge25=737-400!Autopilot, 336, 11
gauge26=737-400!Pitch Trim, 305, 144
gauge27=737-400!Aileron Trim Indicator, 242, 261
gauge28=737-400!Aileron Trim Switch, 248, 276
gauge29=737-400!Rudder Trim Indicator, 285, 261
gauge30=737-400!Rudder Trim Knob, 290, 276
gauge31=737-400!Nav GPS Switch, 306, 17
gauge32=737-400!Avionics Master Switch, 239, 300
gauge33=737-400!Autobrake, 581, 134
gauge34=SimIcons!Kneeboard Icon, 181, 10
gauge35=SimIcons!ATC Icon, 194, 10
gauge36=SimIcons!Compass Icon, 264, 10
gauge37=SimIcons!ECU Icon, 250, 10
gauge38=SimIcons!Map Icon, 208, 10
gauge39=SimIcons!Avionics Icon, 222, 10
gauge40=SimIcons!GPS Icon, 236, 10
gauge00=737-400!Comm 1, 0, 0
gauge01=737-400!Comm 2, 0, 54
gauge02=737-400!Nav 1, 0, 108
gauge03=737-400!Nav 2, 0, 162
gauge04=737-400!Transponder, 0, 216
gauge05=737-400!ADF, 0, 265
gauge06=737-400!Audio, 0, 319
gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0
gauge00=737-400!Throttle Quadrant, 0, 0
gauge00=737-400!Strobe Lights, 18, 13
gauge01=737-400!Navigation Lights, 45, 13
gauge02=737-400!Landing Lights, 67, 13
gauge03=737-400!Beacon Lights, 91, 13
gauge04=737-400!Deice Switch, 117, 13
gauge05=737-400!Pitot Heat, 143, 13
gauge06=737-400!Fuel Crossfeed, 167, 14
gauge07=737-400!Engine Start Left, 219, 17
gauge08=737-400!Engine Start Right, 273, 17
gauge00=737-400!Airspeed, 0, 34
gauge01=737-400!ADI, 88, 10
gauge02=737-400!HSI, 243, 0
gauge03=737-400!Altimeter, 398, 34
gauge04=737-400!Vertical Speed, 486, 42
gauge00=737-400!OMI Lights, 121, 294, 17, 56
gauge01=737-400!Airspeed, 250, 379, 129, 129
gauge02=737-400!RMI, 384, 362, 124, 149
gauge03=737-400!Altimeter, 144, 409, 102, 102
gauge04=737-400!Vertical Speed, 41, 410, 99, 101
gauge05=737-400!Clock, 140, 303, 99, 99
gauge06=737-400!ADI, 320, 0, 192, 166
gauge07=737-400!HSI, 322, 166, 186, 193
gauge08=737-400!Fuel Quantity, 2, 338, 115, 55
gauge09=737-400!Main Set, 0, 0, 172, 293
gauge10=737-400!Oil, 171, 0, 142, 291
gauge11=737-400!Flaps, 261, 291, 58, 58
gauge12=737-400!Nose Gear Light, 79, 295, 38, 19
gauge13=737-400!Left Gear Light, 1, 417, 35, 17
gauge14=737-400!Right Gear Light, 1, 474, 35, 17
gauge15=737-400!Flaps Ext, 42, 295, 34, 18
gauge16=737-400!Flaps Transit, 244, 354, 36, 18
gauge17=737-400!Reverser Unlocked Left, 82, 316, 34, 17
gauge18=737-400!Reverser Unlocked Right, 283, 354, 36, 18
gauge19=737-400!AT Lim, 44, 316, 34, 17
gauge20=737-400!Start Valve Left, 1, 455, 35, 16
gauge21=737-400!Low Oil Left, 1, 437, 35, 16
gauge22=737-400!Low Oil Right, 1, 398, 35, 16
gauge23=737-400!Start Valve Right, 1, 494, 35, 16
gauge24=Magnetic_Compass!Magnetic-Compass, 1, 294, 39, 39
gauge00=737-400!Comm 1, 1, 1, 169, 71
gauge01=737-400!Comm 2, 1, 73, 169, 71
gauge02=737-400!Nav 1, 171, 1, 169, 71
gauge03=737-400!Nav 2, 171, 73, 169, 71
gauge04=737-400!Transponder, 341, 1, 169, 64
gauge05=737-400!ADF, 341, 67, 169, 70
gauge06=737-400!Audio, 1, 146, 167, 35
gauge07=737-400!Autopilot, 0, 183, 466, 71
gauge08=737-400!Rudder Trim Indicator, 443, 140, 67, 21
gauge09=737-400!Aileron Trim Indicator, 374, 140, 67, 21
gauge10=737-400!Pitch Trim, 475, 170, 36, 81
gauge11=737-400!Throttle Quadrant, 0, 260, 234, 252
[Default View]
VIEW_RIGHT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -23.0
VIEW_RIGHT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 70.0
VIEW_LEFT_EYE=1.0, 0.0, -23.0
VIEW_LEFT_DIR=10.0, 0.0, 290.0
so for the ifdg airbus i copy the view in its own panel..?
what keys to go into wing view mode?
defjam wrote:
what keys to go into wing view mode?
You switch to VC- vitual cockpit and use Shift+ the num pad (1,3,4,6,7,9). Make sure the num pad is turned off.
thanx man... 😛
cant i see the wings through my passenger window?
Anonymous wrote:
cant i see the wings through my passenger window?
Yes you can! You don't actually see the window and than the wing rather just the wings, but it's still very cool! 😉
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