Juliana International Airport, TNCM

Pro Member First Officer
Aldeeb First Officer

I want to install the above airport which was in a copy of PC Pilot and note that the Readme recommends the removal of Juliana/TNCM (Netherlands Antilles, Sint Maarten) from the FS9 scenery folder.

I can't find any refernce to either the name or the code - does anybody know where I should be looking, please?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

I believe it means any previous versions of that airport you have installed.

On a side note make sure you get the latest edition of PC Pilot.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain


how did you fare with TNCM? Liono's suggestion is the only one that makes any sense. Does a part of your Readme look anything like this:

Take CARE!
Before installing this new scenery of "JULIANA" I recommand to you removed the previous version and alls others sceneries of TNCM or St-Maarten on your FS9 scenery library
to avoid any conflict because FS9 will crash when you are going to fly in this area.

If this sounds familiar then you are probably looking at Christian Delblond's juliana2.zip as it is known at avsim.com.

Pro Member First Officer
Aldeeb First Officer

Thanks for the replies. Yes, that is exactly the message I get. My first thought that it referred to the FS9 version of Juliana (and all the other 22k-odd airports it provides in skeletal form). On reflection I wonder if what it really means is taking out any add-on for Juliana that may already be present and I can see that would more than likely cause problems. I didn't rush into installing Juliana till I was sure.

Currently adding Caribbean airports so that I can fly all the trips I made around the region, often in the starboard front seat. Grand Case is the one I saw most often on shopping trips from Anguilla. Also came within a whisker of coming to grief there when an overloaded Navajo was taking off in hot, windless conditions and on first pullback of the yoke wouldn't lift. By the time we became airborne there was no more runway left. Juliana I came far too close when the Queen Air my family travelled in blew up on finals the following day.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Seems we're getting somewhere. Here's what I'd suggest:

➑ https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/2684/fs2004-st-maarten-princess-juliana-intl-scenery/

The first file on that page is probably the one you have juliana2.zip.
The second one was it's predecessor juliana.zip.

Do a ZipDive of both files and copy the readme's of both files... in both cases they are named: Juliana/Readme.txt at the top of each ZipDive page.

If you compare the two readme files now, you'll notice that the author didn't include installation instructions in the original file. Hence - the instructions he included in the updated version would be referring to his work - the original version.

However, this doesn't tell us how to actually install juliana2.zip. Grumpy wrote a nice (scenery) tutorial for FS2002 and my guess is he hasn't bothered updating it for fs9 because there is no need to. Give it a try, you might just find that you'll be revisiting that little treasure trove called 'Grumpy's Lair' on a regular basis.

Let us know how you're getting on Idea πŸ˜€

Pro Member First Officer
Aldeeb First Officer

Thanks for you reply - I've saved the scenery file you mention and will give it a good read.

I think the Juliana problem is limited to any previous add-ons for the airport as I note somebody else has actually experience the "crash" of FS9 referred to in the Readme and he definitely had an earlier add-on in place and the trouble happened after he had "disabled" it.

I have Juliana up and running and it certainly brings back memories as do several of the other Caribbean airports I've added.

I downloaded Singapore (Changi) and after takeoff on what was intended to be a lookaround at familiar territory found myself in the same position as an Air India "Constellation" pilot who landed at Seletar thinking he was putting down at Paya Lebar. Singapore at that time had simply too many airfields in a small island confine with overlapping patterns.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain


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