wingviews 2

Pro Member Trainee
peco Trainee

i know how to get wingviews from the last topic but how do you get wingviews as if you were sitting in side the plane at the wing, i hope you understand what i am trying to explain.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

If you mean "looking through the window".Look for a download that features this(its hard to do at Avsim,you have to hope they have included a screen shot,At flightsim you can look to see whats in the download)
You need a bmp. file of the window and add it to the panel folder and edit the panel config file.Instructions should come with the d/load

Pro Member Trainee
peco Trainee

It's hard to explain let's say i was flying an ifdg airbus and when i look diagonally backwards i see the wing, well is there anyway that i can move that view back so that i can see the back of the wing in order to see the flaps moving. 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Michael Thomas (SteveT) Chief Captain

TTT has a Project Wing View topic that was posted a while back explaining how to edit the wing views for your crafts in FS - TTT will tell you more I am sure 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

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