Attn NZ'ers :: Freedom Air to take over Air NZ A320 services

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

Hey everyone,

Just read on another forum that Freedom Air will probably take over Air NZ's A320 services from mid April, please note however that Freedom is owned by Air NZ. Air NZ will however continue to use their wide body 747/767/777 serices to Australia and the South Pacific.

What I dont get, however, is why would the use the UA callsign, and not NZ/SJ?

I found the information at the below link, so have a read through if you're interested.

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Chief Captain
ceetee Chief Captain

Thanks for the heads up J1,

Does this mean the 14 a320s will have to be repainted?

Pro Member Chief Captain
pilotwannabe Chief Captain

That's a shame, I love the A320 in ANZ livery. Makes good business sense though I suppose.

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

cheekytrolly wrote:

Thanks for the heads up J1,

Does this mean the 14 a320s will have to be repainted?

Doesn't look like it, have a look at NZ133's post in the thread. I'm glad they're staying in Air NZ colours, bright yellow isn't exactly the greatest colour for an airline... 😕

Also, looks like Air NZ will have a minor livery change:

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