greg737 autoland fix

mackem Guest


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mackemGuest Guest

I'll try that again...

I haven't played FS2004 for ages, so after installing it I went to download my 737 panel to have a fly in a Boeing and while googling for it, I noticed a few people saying the Autoland is rubbish.

When I first made the panel, the autoland worked great but I remember just before I uploaded it to a flight sim website I changed it to a different autoland gauge.

Just copy that Ala_med.gau file into C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Gauges overwriting the old one.

You'll know you have this autoland gauge because when you click autoland it will turn into a white dot.

I've just fired up FS2004 and set up an approach to Heathrow, dialed in the ILS frequency, clicked Autoland button and it was a perfect landing so give it a try and see if that fixes it. 😉

mackemGuest Guest

For anyone who hasn't a clue what I'm on about, or anyone who struggles to land a 737 it was for this panel for a 737 which had an autoland button

If you use the panel just copy that gauge file over into the gauges folder.

I'm going to test it at a different airport and see if it was just a one off. 😉

Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain


Thanks for that. I just tried it out. I flew just a real short flight from EGGP to EGCC. All seemed to go ok but the AP disengaged just before touchdown and I ended up floating back into the air.


Doyley wrote:


Thanks for that. I just tried it out. I flew just a real short flight from EGGP to EGCC. All seemed to go ok but the AP disengaged just before touchdown and I ended up floating back into the air.

I've just tested it at EGCC. I started on runway 6L. Slewed back 20 mile and about 5000 feet. Dialed in the ILS, clicked autoland and it landed textbook.

It's a puzzler.

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