McDonnel Douglas sounds a little odd...

Garren Guest

I recently downloaded a MD DC-10 in a FedEx livery, but when loading it up I get the Cessna cockpit and sounds.
Either the files have ended up in the wrong place, which I find hard to believe, as it's a simple enough process, or they didn't come with a sound and cockpit file, and the computer for some bizarre reason chose the Cessna.
In any case, I don't mind it having the sound effects and cockpit from a deafult model that came with the game (so long as it's a jet), so how can I tell it to load a different sound and cockpit when choosing the plane?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Here are two tutorials showing how to alias sound from one craft to another.
Good luck with it.


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😕 I sounds like it came without a panel and sounds
The trouble with a default panel is that there are no 3 engined jets in fs9
However there is an answer.......a freeware panel here ➡

As for the sounds 🤔 I will have a look around(I have the DC10 plus the above panel but cannot remember where I got the sound file from)

So I will come back to you on the sound,the panel is a good one though


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Found one over at
It may be avilable elsewhere, here is the file name ➡

Hope it helps


Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

The F_E_M way!

Go into your B737 folder, and copy the "panel" and "sound" files, and then paste them into the folder of the plane you want. You can do that with the 747, or any other plane for that matter!

Garren Guest

The sounds and cockpit worked brilliantly. Thanks for everything.
Great site there as well... I'd never seen it before. 😀

john121 Guest

I have the SGA? DC10 and a DC10 panel but i find it impossable to stop as I am unable to find the autobrake. Any ideas

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

john121 wrote:

I have the SGA? DC10 and a DC10 panel but i find it impossable to stop as I am unable to find the autobrake. Any ideas

Holding down "F2" will give you reverse thrusters, is that what you want.


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Garren wrote:

The sounds and cockpit worked brilliantly. Thanks for everything.
Great site there as well... I'd never seen it before. 😀

Group Wave Yes the sounds and panel are very good,glad you like them.

But you have given me an idea(will post soon)


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

john121 wrote:

I have the SGA? DC10 and a DC10 panel but i find it impossable to stop as I am unable to find the autobrake. Any ideas

I think I know what you mean (the switch to activate the brakes on t/down)
My 1st dc10 panel did'nt have one.The newer panels do,but if you don't want to d/load you could try adding one to your current panel yourself

Open your dc10 panel folder and you should have a note pad file in there.
Open that and add this to the bottom of [Window01]
(copy and paste)and change the xx to the next number

gaugexx=autobrake_v2, 16,565,50,50

Save and close then fire up fs9 and see where it is(should be on the left somewhere)If it overlaps anything change the last 50 to 49 or 51

Try that and let us know how you get on


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